Thursday, September 01, 2005


As might be expected, law enforcement in New Orleans appears to be in a state of paralysis.
As Talk Radio Review pointed out recently, liberalism has feminized those whose responsibility it is to enforce the rule of law. Under the guise of compassion and so-called professionalism, far too many of today's police have been taught by college professors that they must be armed social workers rather than head-knocking cops.
The plague of liberalism extends to the military where available force is often withheld lest we upset the enemy or people in foreign countries. Liberalism seeks to weaken the military using false notions that wars and insurrections can be won without killing adversaries.
Before TV cameras today, Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff and Attorney General Gonsalez assured us that more and more law enforcement boots will be put on the ground in New Orleans to guarantee law and order. But what good are enforcement personnel, both civilian and military, if they continue to be constrained by the ACLU and other liberal power groups who continue to insist that it is wrong for cops and soldiers to use their weapons when confronted by rampant criminals taking advantage of a city in crisis.
Where, oh where, are General George Patton, Rambo and Superman when you need them? Clearly non of them are working for the Bush Administration at the moment, and none of them are on the way to restore order in a great city now under siege.
Reports have come in of people in the Convention Center being shot by robbers and rapists. Shots have been fired at aircraft near the Superdome. Other chilling reports are coming in of gangs of thugs looting, robbing and assaulting. Not bad enough that the innocent residents of New Orleans are flood refugees, that they are hungry and out of drinking water, they must now also be set upon by snakes worse than the ones in the form of reptiles.
The order must be given by someone willing to break the chains of liberal inaction. Restore civilized behavior at once in New Orleans. Shoot on sight anyone failing to immediately obey the order of any law enforcement officer or military policeman. This is what enforcement must always be in times of great crisis. And we can think of no greater crisis than the ongoing one in New Orleans.


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