Wednesday, November 30, 2005


After all the liberal shouts about the so-called Right Wing Christian Extremists, we ask, how about the Left Wing Christian Extremists?

In case you thought such folks did not exist, check the latest news reports that members of Chicago based Christian Peacemaker Teams have had four of their members kidnapped by Islamic thugs in Iraq.

The victims are two Canadians, one American and one Brit. Al Jazeera Television has shown video of the four, being held by a happy bunch called the Swords of Righteousness Brigade.

True to their nature as left wing lunatics, the Christian Peacemaker Teams are blaming, guess who? The United States and Coalition Forces in Iraq naturally.

CPT also is expressing hope that the U.S. does not try to militarily rescue the kidnapped quartet.

CPT in the past has always indicted Israel for inflicting brutality upon hapless Palestinians. Never has this left wing extremist group found the killing of Israelis by terrorists to be offensive in any way.

Imagine how comforting it must be to the four kidnapped hostages to realize that their own Christian left wing brethren don't want anyone to come to their rescue. I mean, such a rescue attempt might, after all, offend the sensibilities of their captors. And we would never want to make the Islamic Sunshine Boys mad now, would we.

It is unfathomable to try to understand how any group calling itself Christian would leave its own members at the mercy, or more likely the lack thereof, of Islamic bloodthirsty lunatics.

In truth, the CPT sounds to us like a socialist One World movement masquerading as a bunch of religious devotees. It is all too apparent that socialists and Communists have infiltrated deeply into formerly authentic religious organizations. It is all part of the ideological civil war that is now underway in America.

And these are the people who look with disfavor upon the Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons of the world. I don't know about you, but if I am ever held by terrorists, I hope a bunch of Right Wing Christians and not the CPT, is on the way with help.


Blogger Christian Prophet said...

Yes. Over on The Christian Prophet blog today Jesus takes Christian Socialists to task.

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Keep up the hard work and someone is paying attention,

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12:12 AM  

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