Wednesday, May 18, 2005


From the very start just after 9:30 Wednesday (5/18) morning, you could tell it was the start of battle.
Republican leader Frist was surprisingly passionate, emphatic and downright Republican as he began to joust with Desperate Harry Reid fron Lantern, Nevada.
Reid, backed up by the Chappaquiddick Swim Champ, attempted from the get-go to try procedural moves designed to con Frist into allowing nominee Patricia Owens to be replaced with a name more accepatable to the Clintonistas.
We are happy to report that it didn't work and, for once, Republicans stuck to their guns. No, said Frist, it would be Owens who would be placed at the top of the order. Decide now, Dems, are you going to conduct an all out assault on Judge Owens with the usual character assassination tactics used throughout the 150 yearr history of socialism, or will you go quietly and finally submit to a floor vote, up or down, on sending the Texas judge to the U.S. Circuit Court.
Actually the Gang of 45 in the Senate have little choice but to fight, and to fight savagely and with tactics unseen and unheard in all of American history. Because, from the ten Bush nominees now about to come up for Federal judicial seats, it is likely that two and perhaps more will eventually be nominated to become future Supreme Court Justices. If these nominees are not made dead in the water now, there will be little the Clintonistas can do when the same judges are picked for the highest Court in the land.
So, this is the opening of the Senate battle, and the libs know it is a battle they must win. Failure to kill these nominees now means that the Federal Courts and the Supreme Court itself will soon be places where the Constitution is interpreted, rather than where judicial tyrants continue to force anti-Americanism down the throats of the voters who demonstrated last November what course they want the judicial branch of government to follow.
To those who can listen and follow the Senate in coming days, the rewards will be great. If one can force oneself to listen to hours and hours of procedural wrangling and Clintonista lies, we may be fortunate enough to see a fist fight on the Senate floor. Or perhaps we may see one of the lib Senators blow his brains out in sheer frustration over what is about to happen. For what is about to happen is the final blow against liberal madness and judicial tyranny. In the end the left wing senators will be confronted by the thing they hate and fear the most, a vote in which the majority rules and they lose.


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