We watched the C-Span coverage of a labor union PAC called Campaign for America's Future and wondered if anyone in the jeans and T Shirt audience noticed that most of the speakers at the podium were wearing the two thousand dollar suits and silk ties.
Ah! Yes! How sweet it is to be a professional labor leader or a professional left wing politician. You get to be invited to these groups, get lots of pats on the back and, best of all, you never have to work for living like the people you talk down to do.
At this session, Democrat Party Chairman Howard Dean led the celebrity list. He was not to be outdone by Laura Ingraham's Breck Boy, John Edwards, who is still calling for fair elections where everybody who wants to vote gets to vote. You could tell he wanted to say the votes in Ohio should be counted again, but even he probably realized that would seem a bit like a sore loser. So instead he talked about all the things big government should be doing for everybody. Not only doing things here at home, but, according to Edwards, all the things we should be doing everywhere in the world. We were waiting for him to endorse Food Stamps for Botswana and free day care for all Indonesians. He didn't quite go that far, but you get the idea.
As for Dean, he told the gathering that Democrats better start cozying up to those Evangelical Christians. He didn't quite say how an Evangelical would consider joining a party that advocates abortion, homosexual marriage, ridding us of the Ten Commandments and allowing illegal aliens and prison inmates to vote. But, then again, we can't underestimate Dean's ability to reach into his bag of deception and deceit and come up with a way to corral all those Right Wing Extremist Christians. Beware all you Christians! Howard Dean is coming to get you!
By the time the afternoon session was plodding along, this audience was being asked to endorse freebies for everyone, everywhere and all the time. Of course there was no mention of our troops fighting terrorism or U.N. corruption.
At the point where the head of the United Mine Workers took us back to the good old days of John L. Lewis in the forties, we realized that there is precious little left for left wingers to extol nowadays.
And, by the way, for all those who have no idea who John L. Lewis was, he mainly was a major pain in the butt for Democrat icons Roosevelt and Truman each and every time he threatened a paralyzing miners' strike. Those were the days when Democrats were more conservative that today's Republicans. Now that we think of it, John L. Lewis would have loved Howard Dean.
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