So now, after all these years, Mark Felt, a 99 year old former F.B.I. official says he was the famous Deep Throat. He was the man who secretly gave tips to Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein over thirty years ago. And largely based on those tips, the Washington Post revealed enough evidence of the Watergate break-in cover up by President Richard Nixon to force a Nixon resignation.
To this day, Nixon is the only U.S. President to resign from office. It was legal for Nixon to resign. The irony is that Felt acted illegally in passing classified information to the Post reporters. Speculation has it that Felt wanted to get even with Nixon for having been denied a higher F.B.I. position. But today's left wing media will overlook Felt's motives and concentrate on making Felt an American hero. Here he was, Deep Throat, the guy who got rid of that G.O.P. devil, Richard Nixon.
Now let us turn to another Deep Throat. This Deep Throat was a young White House intern whose throat and nearby accessory parts serviced President Clinton on a number of occasions. We never would have known about this other Deep Throat had it not been for the fact that a person named Linda Tripp provided evidence via that famous semen-stained Blue Dress that failed the Clinton DNA innocence test. Unlike the first Deep Throat, the second Deep Throat was glossed over by the Post and other media. As a result, unlike Nixon, who had the integrity to resign when faced with impeachment, Clinton celebrated his impeachment. His perjury and obstruction of justice were overlooked by his fellow Democrats, by the entire media corps and a forgiving public. And unlike Mark Felt, who will become a national media built hero in coming days, Linda Tripp will continue to be portrayed by the same media as she always was, as a vengeful and despicable snitch who had the audacity to make Slick Willie suffer impeachment.
To the left wing media whores, it all depends on who the villain happens to be. If a Republican, then no holds are barred to destroy the villain. If a liberal, then no holds are barred to help the villain escape.
Nice try, Mark Felt. But to us there will always be only one real, honest-to-goodness Deep Throat, and her name is Monica Lewinsky.
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