Gee! Look over there, folks! It's John Kerry!
Yes, in a scene that is quite rare, Senator John Kerry was actually seen on the Senate floor Thursday (5/19).
Now can you imagine what he was doing there, boys and girls?
Was he introducing legislation?
Was he proposing new and exciting Democrat proposals on fighting the War on Terror?
Was he talking up the need for an energy policy?
Was he finally telling us how he plans to save Social Security or Medicare?
Uh uh.
Then what, pray tell, was he doing in that rare Senate appearance?
As if you didn't know.
Kerry was there to join the rest of the Gang of 45 in an attempt to stall moving forward on the judicial nomination of Particia Owen.
He was there to tell those big, fat fibs that his liberal mates have been telling since mid week. Trying to con us into believing that George Bush really has no right to appoint judges unless they are Communists, the way Democrats like them.
In his boring drawling speech Kerry put the Senate galleries to sleep with his Bush bashing rhetoric.
Why we were almost expecting him to say that he had reconsidered and decided to withdraw his concession speech in the 2004 election.
Actually, what he was trying to do is launch his 2008 campaign. We knew that was true when we looked over and saw that Hillary Clinton's seat was vacant.

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