Tuesday, June 14, 2005


So D.O.D. Secretary Don Rumsfeld has clarified yet again what we are up against.
Not content with enemy bombings and killings in Afghanistan and Iraq, America's internal enemies are now attacking our Marines at Gitmo and sticking up for and hoping for the release of the prisoners they guard.
Rumsfeld appeared on television and once again clarified with precision just what goes on at Gitmo.
Prisoners at Gitmo are allowed to pray five times a day and their Marine guards are forbidden to step on certain floor boards that might squeak and disturb our praying terrorist killers.
Prisoners at Gitmo are handed Korans by Marines who must wear surgical gloves lest they defile the Muslim Holy Book.
Prisoners at Gitmo sleep on foam mattresses and then get to exercise regularly by day.
Prisoners receive meals carefully prepared to follow Muslim dietary laws. A typical meal served lately consisted of orange glazed chicken, green beans and mushrooms.
The meals served to Gitmo prisoners cost more than the meals eaten by their Marine guards.
But beyond this, Rumsfeld revealed that some Gitmo killers were released only to return to fighting on the side of those killing U.S. troops and others in Afghanistan and Iraq. In some cases the same killers were rounded up in raids on terrorist camps and then got a second trip to Gitmo.
All this in turn results in a renewed call to let all the Gitmo killers go so Amnesty International, the United Nations, Muslims in general and Al Quaida in particular will be happy, along with, of course, the New York Times, the Boston Globe and Time Magazine. The charge is being led by political leaders who continue to call themselves Democrats. Their names are well known: Boxer, Kennedy, Biden, Leahy, Schumer and on and on. That these left wing loonies continue to associate themselves with the name Democrat is laughable. If you think the likes of FDR, Truman and John Kennedy would be calling for the release of America's enemy prisoners at Gitmo or any other place, then you are as nuts as they are.
No folks, these so-called Democrat senators and politicians are not Democrats. What they are are Communist, left wing, loony, seditionist whack jobs. In the war now underway they have chosen to side with our enemies. They are additional proof that Michael Savage is right on target in calling present day liberalism a mental disorder.


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