Sunday, December 18, 2005


Getting right into the Christmas spirit, left wing style that is, Air America Radio's Mike Malloy has been featuring his favorite Christmas tune entitled "Christmas Sucks". The happy tune fits well into Malloy's endless rant against virtually everything American and certainly everything Christian.
Recently Malloy offered his malignant and ignorant portrait of Christmas as nothing more than a pagan celebration of the winter solstice filled with Wican ritual and superstition. Reflecting that fine old left wing notion that only left wing Communists and Socialists are intelligent, Malloy debunks Christmas as if it were a recent invention of those right wing Christians that Malloy consistently maligns.
On one hand, we wish Malloy and Air America Radio would disappear. On the other hand, as we have opined in the past, this bunch of left wing lunatics helps conservativism in a way nothing else could. Any politically moderate voter, and surely many well-intentioned Democrats, need nothing more than a few moments of listening to Mike Malloy to become convinced just how far liberalism has fallen.
Intended to boost the Democrat vote totals, Malloy and the rest of the Air America, or more precisely Hate America Radio, are helping to advance the day when nobody could seriously consider voting for a modern day Democrat.
What must it be like to wake up every morning like a Mike Malloy? What must it be like to start each day loathing America and hoping that everything America does goes bad? What must it be like to drag oneself through each day like Malloy, spewing vitriol and vile hatred against the majority of Americans.
We can only add Malloy's name to that infamous bunch of Christmas haters: Karl Marx, Lenin, Joe Stalin, the entire ACLU, Ebenezer Scrooge and the Grinch.
Will Santa leave coal in Mike Malloy's stocking?
We hope not, because, as Tiny Tim observed: "God bless us, everyone"!


Blogger Jonathan said...

Nice work, sir! Welcome to the blogosphere! :)

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people don't understand what it takes to be an American. Try reading a book or two or 700. Try reading the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution and you will find that the criticism and questioning of one's government is essential to one's patriotism. I'm a proud Christian and I love the Lord. The Lord cries everyday that a man like George Bush is in office. Jesus Christ does not think it is right to murder, torture, and lie to people. But you people, think all that stuff is OK as long as you say you're against abortion. I'm sorry but you are all mistaken. Keep on with your close-minded way of thinking and you will find yourselves living in a nation with no freedom or rights. Certainly a nation void of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

5:48 PM  

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