With news of savage torture and beheading inflicted upon two U.S. Marines, are you waiting for the amnesty crowd, for the anti-torture crowd and the Geneva Convention Booster Club to issue stinging statements denouncing the Iraqi dogs for their wanton savagery?
You will be waiting until hell freezes over.
This lousy bunch of American hating, Bush hating radical leftists will never denounce our enemies. In fact, we await statements from them implying that we brought this on ourselves. America deserves it. We are the bully and we are the agressor.
Does all this remind you of what you once associated with Pravda and Radio Moscow during the Cold War era?
It should. If you think international socialism and communism are dead, think again. They are alive and well and leading the leftist cheer leading squad hoping for defeat in Iraq and another Al Quaida attack upon the U.S.
For this is internal sedition and treason suggesting that we are in the initial stages of a civil war.
But more importantly, let us join in a prayer that the two butchered Marines will find an eternal home with God.
I like your site. Obviously we're on the same side.
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