Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Some years ago Congressman Gerry Studs of Massachusetts revealed that he was a homosexual and that he had been involved in sexual activities with a Congressional page.

Democ rats responded to this revelation by praising Studs for his honesty and his loving nature. Studs even had a press conference with his young stud (no relation) at his side.

Quite a switch when Republican Tom Foley is revealed as a homosexual by means of material passed on to a major television network by thusfar unknown Democ rat operatives.

The explicit internet messages said to have been sent by Foley and a Congressional page were stored away at least two and perhaps three years ago. The sources of the explicit material remain a mystery. The O'Reilly Factor has suggested that George Soros could be involved since he has funding connections with leftist organizations and blogs helping to get the explicit messages to willing accomplices in the major media.

Some can also smell the Clintons in this matter. The deliberate action of holding back material evidence that could have stopped Foley months ago until one month before Congressional elections does have a Clintonian odor.

The point to be made is how liberals treat sexual activities by one of their own and how they react when a Republican is the sinner.

It is not surprising. National Democ rats have nothing to offer except personal attacks and character assassination. They are terrified to engage in a discussion of the issues.

Talk Radio Review predicts that in these final weeks before the election, more attempts will be made by these pathetic Clintonoids to destroy other opponents' lives.


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