Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Well, folks, we're into the third day of lunatic rioting in several major Muslim communities around the world. Rioting that is caused by a newspaper cartoon that accurately portrayed Mohamed, the founder of the Islamic cult, wearing a terrorist bomb in his head gear.

The cartoon was featured in a newspaper in Denmark, and following its publication a few days ago, the whole Muslim world went berserk, or at least more than it normally is. Buildings were burned, cars overturned, people wounded by gunfire and the trademark stone throwing have all been some of the antics of choice of the demonstrators.

And now it's time to connect the dots, folks.

On a hunch I contacted ten of my neighbors and asked them if I could borrow their Danish flag for a day. If you guessed that I batted zero in my quest for the Danish cross, you guessed right. Not a single Christian neighbor had a Danish flag to spare. All this in a town that has several families with their roots in Denmark.

Yet endless mainstream media television offerings show that every Islamic mob scene featured Danish flags. There were Danish flags being burned, town, wrapped around effigies of George Bush (who has no Danish blood in him, to my recollection) and pulled down from the Danish mission in Beirut, Lebanon. The rioters had no trouble finding a way to exhibit their Danish flags in front of the lenses of all those mainstream TV cameras.

Here's where the dot connecting should begin.

If you and I, and perhaps many Danes living in Denmark, would have to search long and hard to come up with a Danish flag in a hurry, how come all these Pakistanis, Lebanese, Palestinians and Iranians found all these flags so fast; and found flags that feature the detestable cross of Christianity on top of it all? Just who provided all these Jutland banners in a snap? And who funded this massive flag production in the capitals of Islam? And why is the mainstream media so eager to show the banner of the Danes being profaned in all sorts of ways?

Could there be a movement, perhaps even a worldwide movement at the end of the dot connection trail? And is this mysterious movement even more evil and sinister than Islamic terrorism itself?

We leave you to answer the questions, folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think there is any reason to look for any conspiracy in this case. Just a case of good entrepreneurship :-)

Check out this story: PLO Flag Shop,

11:07 AM  

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