As of early Wednesday morning reports continue to come in regarding widespread looting and other acts of lawlessness in New Orleans, a city struggling to stay intact in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Martial law needs to be invoked in New Orleans at once. Pink pants politicians need to step aside and let law enforcement and military personnel put an end to criminal acts by those taking advantage of the crisis.
Looters should be warned once and then shot dead if they refuse to stop their looting. The same goes for anyone else engaging in robbery, arson, assault or any other felony within the sticken city.
Over many recent years the curse of liberalism has emasculated lawful authority, both civil and military. As a result, the bad guys have been getting away with far too much while the good guys are prevented from preserving law and order.
From Iraq, where our soldiers have to walk on egg shells for fear of firing on the enemy, to New Orleans, where martial law probably will not be effective, liberalism has empowered dark and sinister forces while law abiding citizens cower in fear.
It is time for politicians in The Crescent City to earn their salaries.
Invoke emergency martial law at once and shoot on sight those who are taking advantage of a city in crisis.
The whole nation is watching you, New Orleans politicians. Will you do what must be done or continue to add to the misery brought about by Hurricane Katrina?