Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The Philadelphia speech of Barak Obama shows the black liberal to be one who misses the point entirely.

We do not care if his much admired Pastor Wright is black or white. It is the content of Pastor Wright's sermons that is up for debate here.

Whether you are eskimo, Chinese, Korean, Apache, Russian or Argentinian, if you say the things that Pastor Wright says about America, then you stand ready to be condemned by those who love America.

No, Senator Obama, the point is not that Pastor Wright shares the so-called black experience with you. The point is we do not share the hatred of Pastor Wright. And neither should a presidential candidate.

Senator Obama, we think you are a manipulative phoney. You love Pastor Wright because you buy most of what he says and supports.

We do not want you, Senator Obama. We do not need you, and above all, black voters do not need you.

We are not guilty of racism, Senator Obama. You are. And you have now clearly defined yourself as the racist candidate for president.