Wednesday, July 19, 2006


The present series of events between Israel and the enemy may be the beginning of the beginning of World War III.
At the same time, the United States will have to deal with both World War III and a civil war now in progress.
Make no mistake about it, international socialism and communism, and all other forms of Marxism are now hell bent on overthrowing the Constitutional system and the economic system of the U.S.
The forces of Marxism see this as their last chance to condemn the world to their form of economic justice. That economic justice has been a proven failure whenever and wherever it has been imposed upon human beings.
Under international socialism, everyone is condemned to live a life of semi-poverty in an environment where human ambition and inventiveness are stifled and destroyed. It is a world from which eastern Europe quite recently escaped and from which Russia is still attempting to flee.
Meanwhile, the forces of Mohamedism are now embarked on a heightened chapter of jihad madness, threatening the civilized world with acts of barbarism and terrorism not seen since the Dark Ages. It is only a matter of time before the United States is again attacked. Israel is already under the gun.
The internal Marxist enemy, aided and abetted always by the American news and print media, will continue to attack America's efforts to defend itself. Already the media dogs are arrogantly attempting to portray Hizbollah as good guys who have provided health care and social services to people in Lebanon and Syria. At the same time, Israel is portrayed as the bad guy overreacting and wantonly killing Lebanese civilians. And, of course, American soldiers are endlessly portrayed as rapists, killers and torturers.
Can America survive this dual attack by both Islam and Marxism? Time will tell.
Meanwhile, let us hope that Israel rises to the challenge. Let us hope that this is finally the end of United Nations influence over the affairs of free men. Let us hope that this is the beginning of the beginning of the fight that is needed to defeat all enemies of freedom both here and abroad.