Thursday, January 24, 2008


During his Wednesday show, Rush Limbaugh delivered what has to be one of his best recent gems:

Said Limbaugh, "The more people there are out there sitting on their ass waiting for the check to arrive in the mail, the more Democrats like it".

Enough said.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Just who DOES control the Democratic party AND the media?

If the readers will recall: Just a short time ago news broke that Hillary and Obama had engaged in a racial/gender shouting match. The story was covered for all of one or two days.

Can you picture the extensive fallout by the media if a Republican had been involved?

Can you picture the irritants Jackson and Sharpton mounting the podium for days on end, all with never-ending media coverage?

Can you imagine the burning cities and (if possible) bras (or jockstraps) by outraged feminists and people of color, all, of course, amply covered by our media?

Recall, if you will, the months of coverage and righteous harangues and symbolic lynchings by Jackson, Sharpton and the feminazis over those three Duke University students, all, of course, well publicized by our beloved media.

But what happened here? All was quiet after one or two days with love and kisses for all. The media went silent. Jackson and Sharpton remained mum. Cities survived. Feminists kept quiet if possible.

So what orchestrated this 'tolerance'?

Consider the possibility of one in far greater control than Hillary, Obama or the usual operatives, one who read the riot act over dissention jeopardizing this upcoming election in the incessant quest for power and control.

Would it be any one person? Would it be any group, bent on destruction of the principles which founded this Nation or any person backing such a group?

Just consider what has gone on in the past, from the dispersal of untold resources, either in warlike acts, movies and rumors bordering on near sedition with little or no basis, and just consider.

Far more is at stake than a mere election, dear reader. And those that would dismiss this as mere ranting are just as effective an operative as those who have so aptly contributed to what has gone before.

*The parent blog of this blog is found at

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


At the time of this writing, the New Hampshire primary is underway.

The results of this primary and those that closely follow in the next three months will begin to more clearly define the allegiance that various political figures embrace.

Keep in mind that Talk Radio Review announced months ago that U.S. Civil War II was underway. No, it is not a shooting war at present. But the war is raging in initial stages. It is impossible to tell if a shooting war will develop as it did in Civil War I back in 1861.

Whether it comes to a shooting war or not will greatly depend upon whether or not Marxist and International Socialists advance to the forefront as a result of the 2008 presidential and congressional elections. If the socialist enemies of the Republic make gains, a shooting war will not be far away.

If loyalists gain control of Congress and if a loyalist enters the White House, it may be possible to quell the rising tide of Marxist and Islamic enemies.

In the coming months Talk Radio Review hopes to present brief but relevant commentary on things as they develop in the war. We hope you will return for our commentary. We encourage you to leave your comments as well.

By the way, a new and passionate group of writers will be on board with Talk Radio review.

*The parent blog of this blog is found at