Wednesday, August 31, 2005


As of early Wednesday morning reports continue to come in regarding widespread looting and other acts of lawlessness in New Orleans, a city struggling to stay intact in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Martial law needs to be invoked in New Orleans at once. Pink pants politicians need to step aside and let law enforcement and military personnel put an end to criminal acts by those taking advantage of the crisis.
Looters should be warned once and then shot dead if they refuse to stop their looting. The same goes for anyone else engaging in robbery, arson, assault or any other felony within the sticken city.
Over many recent years the curse of liberalism has emasculated lawful authority, both civil and military. As a result, the bad guys have been getting away with far too much while the good guys are prevented from preserving law and order.
From Iraq, where our soldiers have to walk on egg shells for fear of firing on the enemy, to New Orleans, where martial law probably will not be effective, liberalism has empowered dark and sinister forces while law abiding citizens cower in fear.
It is time for politicians in The Crescent City to earn their salaries.
Invoke emergency martial law at once and shoot on sight those who are taking advantage of a city in crisis.
The whole nation is watching you, New Orleans politicians. Will you do what must be done or continue to add to the misery brought about by Hurricane Katrina?

Saturday, August 27, 2005


The anti-war gang continues its quest for publicity at its tent camp near President Bush's Texas home.
Are these folks trying to re-live their youth, those happy days when draft cards were burned and used to light the marijuana joints? Are they seeking to go back to those long-haired, hippie protest days?
The answer is yes and no. Certainly there are many among the Crawford protesters who are stuck back in the anti-Vietnam War protest template. However, there is a new and sinister tone to this protest. The names of many of the supporting groups sound much like the old Communist Front groups of the Vietnam War era.
Fading anti-war celebrities are finding their way to Crawford. Joan Baez has already arrived, so can Willie Nelson be far behind?
Then there is the ever present rabble rouser known as Reverend Al Sharpton. His link up with the Crawford protest should foreshadow the appearance of the rest of the gang, probably led by a withering Julian Bond.
And where is Jane Fonda when you need her. Fonda is probably too high priced to make the trip to Crawford, Texas. But then, again, George Soros has unlimited funds so we may be able to hire Fonda after all.
Meanwhile, our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan look on at this pathetic bunch of Americans giving aid and comfort to the enemy. It's the same old Vietnam War song being sung largely by the same gang of has-beens. But by now the singing voices are old and tired and the performers are equally outdated.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


When Cindy Sheehan lost her son to enemy action in Iraq, she suffered a tragedy of war not unfamiliar to countless American mothers and wives. From Lexington Green to Iraq, the loss of loved ones who died in defense of America's interests and freedom serve to remind us all that what we have often comes at a terrible cost.
We lament that Cindy Sheehan has apparently come to feel that her son died in vain. No man or woman wearing the uniform of the U.S. military ever dies in vain. Especially now, in a time of voluntary service, each member of the armed forces knows that his or her life can be on the line. As in conflicts past, the personnel serving in Iraq exemplify all that is most noble. They are the living examples of that line in the National Anthem that defines America as the Home of the Brave.
To Cindy Sheehan, as to all who have lost love ones, we extend our prayers.
But there is an ominous side to the Cindy Sheehan story. As is common, the exploiting forces of the left wing have again struck. Having once met with President Bush and having expressed her belief that he was understanding of her grief, Cindy Sheehan has now been converted to the religion of the extreme left. Whereas Cindy previously had praise for America's efforts in Iraq and pride in her son's ultimate sacrifice, she now speaks for Michael Moore and the Air America Radio crowd. Words have been put into Cindy's mouth, and they are the defeatist words of the old familiar crowd who find America to be always at fault. The same crowd who never cease shouting that America is evil, America is an imperialist bully, and America is all that is wrong with the world.
Thus Cindy Sheehan has begun to suffer her second brutal loss. She has lost the realization that dark forces on the left have cleverly exploited her motherly grief and are using her in their relentless attempts to weaken America and make it ripe for the imposition of all the failed tenets of socialism.
We grieve for Cindy Sheehan and we condemn all those who are using her to advance their evil agendas. We pray that Cindy will take another look at her son's brave sacrifice and that she will come home again to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


NARAL, a leftist group that supports abortion, has launched television ads targeted in Maine and Rhode Island. The ads are asking people to contact squishy Republican Senators the likes of Olympia Snow, Susan Collins and Lincoln Chaffee. The ads ask people to petition these Senators to oppose the confirmation of Judge John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court.
In the ads, NARAL takes the low road so often taken by the left wingers of all sorts, and far too many Democrats. The ads attempt to portray Judge Roberts as a supporter of those who have committed acts of violence against abortion clinics. Being unable to debate the issues honestly, NARAL is using the same old character assassination tactics so often invoked by the left. If honesty prevailed, NARAL would be up front and admit that what it really fears is the Catholic faith of Judge Roberts. Abortion is seen by Catholics as an unacceptable act in which a developing child is ripped from a mother's womb for whatever the reason.
Like the rest of the left wing, NARAL is afraid to admit what it really fears in Judge Roberts. So they have chosen to resort to scare tactics in a typical leftist move to demonize one who opposes their agenda.
It is always laughable when a bunch of leftists who embrace killing the unborn try to make someone else look like the bad guy.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Jane Fonda rides again!
Both figuratively and literally.
Hanoi Jane has announced her intention to make a tour around the country in coming months to do what she did during the Vietnam War, inspire our enemies and ensure a military defeat for America.
By the way, Jane says she will make her tour using a bus that runs on vegetable oil. Sounds like a case of cruelty toward corn stalks to me. Where are the liberals when you need them!
Jane, like her many left wing whack jobs, is stuck in that anti-Vietnam War template. She, like the other liberals of her ilk, simply cannot break away from the past. They must stay in their world of anti-American, anti-military, anti-war thought.
Will Jane be up to making her upcoming tour as far reaching as her Vietnam tour? Will we soon see video clips of Jane hanging out with the boys from Al Quaida, perhaps helping them to make a roadside bomb to blow up U.S. Marines?
Or is old age finally creeping up with Jane. Will she let her pals in liberal land down by toning her anti-war protest down? We shall see.
In the meantime, Jane, just as your sympathy for America's enemies thirty years ago helped to kill more U.S. troops, so too will your modern anti-war antics help our modern day enemies. Go, Jane, go. Your goal of 2,000 dead American soldiers is well within your malignant reach.

Monday, August 01, 2005


It's great news from the White House, folks.
After months of Democrat obstructionism and sophist rhetoric in the Senate, President Bush will make a recess appointment of Bolton.
Recess appointments are appropriate when Congress is in recess. Congress went on vacation at the end of last week. That in itself is good news, because the country is always safer when the legislative power of government is idle.
But the August Senate recess gives the President the right to send Bolton to the United Nations weeks before the beginning of the next General Assembly in September.
The announcement of the Bolton appointment sent the scurrilous Senate Democrats into their usual sounds of fury signifying nothing.
Joe Biden and Jumpin' Jim Jeffords are among 36 Senators who sent a letter to the President telling him not to make the Bolton recess appointment. We are sure that President Bush must have shivered in his boots when he looked over the list that includes the names of all the big-government socialists disguised as Senate Democrats.
But best of all, we confidently look forward to seeing John Bolton put the United Nations on guard. Finally, in spite of the usual Democrat objections, America will have a man representing America's interests at the U.N., rather than those of the French and other America haters.