Wednesday, June 29, 2005


The President delivered his Wednesday night speech on the Iraq War and the War on Terroism in particular and within minutes, liberals were having a cow.
Liberals always have a cow whenever George Bush fails to say or do all the things they would say or do.
So when the President called for continued support for the military effort in Iraq, liberals recoiled because they are against the military errort in Iraq.
When the President emphasized the positive developments since the Iraq operation began, liberals were irritated because they detest any hint of positive Iraq results.
But it was especially when the President reminded us all that Iraq is just one part of the ongoing War on Terrorism that the real bovine delivery pains began for the lefties. The one thing they want us all to forget is the War on Terrorism. They want to forget 9/11 and the fact that it will take many years to overcome the major terrorist threat.
Even though President Bush has told us from the beginning that this would be a long struggle, liberals have always reverted to their masturbatory mind set of instant gratification. In their eyes the war should have ended months ago. They continue to pull their hair out because Osama Bin Laden has not been caught. They continue to gloat over every soldier killed or wounded in the combat zones. They want victory right here and now and when it doesn't happen they conceive the next cow for the next delivery.
Nothing President Bush would ever say or do would please the this crowd. Aided by the mainstream media these lefties continue to support the enemy with their every word and action. Al Jazeera is fully in praise of the American left and its lack of support for the war. You would think liberals would see this and change their ways. It will never happen. The American left is thoroughly extremist. It hates George Bush worse than it hates the terrorists.
So get ready, folks. It's time for the liberals to have their latest cow. And the delivery will be long and painful.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Is atheism rapidly becoming the state religion of the United States?
Based upon important Federal Court decisions involving any faith involving God, atheism clearly finds favor. All trappings, all mention of God are ruled out of order by the Courts.
Where is freedom of speech when religious people are told they cannot pray in certain places? Clearly freedom of speech must yield to avoid offending advocates of the evolving State Religion, atheism.
To those who delight in rewriting American history the establishment of atheism as the official national belief is viewed in a favorable light. To those who have studied American history, atheism does not even find a place of respect. If the statements of the Founding Fathers of the Republic extolling belief in God, and Christianity in particular, were to be written here, you would have to scan hundreds of pages. In fact, the most prominent Americans in the life of our country in the last two hundred years flatly stated that if God and religion were removed from government, the American nation would be rapidly on the way to its end.
Who and what are establishing the State Religion of atheism? Obviously Federal judges serving left wing agendas are high on the list. But there is much more behind the effort. Any number of well organized extremist groups have suddenly come forward to help in abolishing all religions except atheism.
In world history, and especially recent history, every evil and totalitarian movement has championed atheism. The Soviet Union quickly closed and padlocked all houses of worship following Lenin's rise to power. Under Hitler people of faith were put to death in systematic fashion.
The extermination of religion and its symbols and rich involvement in America's development is a sign of horrors yet to come. The establishment of atheism as the National State Religion would end freedom of speech and thought completely.
When judges dictate against the will of the majority and proclaim the nonexistent notion of Constitutional separation of church and state, why is atheism exempt?
Government should have no place in religion. This is what the Constitution actually mandates. The free exercise of religion means just what it says. But in the world of today's left wing judicial dictators, who cares about what the Constitution says?

Sunday, June 26, 2005


When White House strategist Karl Rove recently spoke at a fund raising event he apparently hit the liberal funny bone with a double whammy.
According to Rove, following the 9/11 attacks, conservatives girded themselves for war, while liberals wanted to prepare legal indictments and offer therapy and understanding to the attackers. It was one of those sweet moments when deceptive left wingers hear their own precise description coming back to haunt them.
Eagerly supported by the mainstream media, Democrat after Democrat seized upon Rove's words as an opportunity to shift attention from Senator Durbin's remarks calling Gitmo guards Nazis. From the same crowd that never once blinked at Durbin's outrageous remarks came cries for Rove to resign at once.
This writer can give a personal report on just how correct Rove was in his liberal post-9/11 description.
While on Cape Cod just before military action against Afghanistan was about to begin, and only weeks after the 9/11 attacks, I passed a million dollar summer home sporting a huge bed sheet hung like a flag. On the sheet were written the words: WAR IS NEVER THE ANSWER. Of course, the words were appropriately surrounded by liberal flowers and butterflies painted in psychedelic colors.
This is the leftist starting point. If attacked never use force to defend. Just spark up another joint and everything will be fine. They believe it and they act accordingly. It is part of that dream leftists desperately cling to of establishing Paradise on earth. The promise of Utopia.
The terrorist enemy is well aware of this liberal outlook on self-defense. They are counting on it to weaken America's resolve.
The sad fact is many leftists openly voiced their displeasure that the 9/11 attacks came after Clinton. If only Clinton had been president on the day of 9/11. Then Bush the Republican would have been deprived of such a political opportunity.
But if 9/11 had happened on Clinton's watch, Osama Bin Laden would have faced no more than an indictment by a Federal Grand Jury, the Taliban would still be in control of Afghanistan and Iraq would have remained in the grip of Saddam Hussein.
Karl Rove adequately and fully described the attitude of leftists, not only in the way they viewed 9/11 but in the way they still view the War on Terrorism. Left to liberal appeasement and inaction, America would be facing a danger far greater than the current level. Faced with leftist inability to fight when a fight is required, America would be well on its way to losing the war.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Editor Note: Jay Severin is a Boston talk host for WTKK 96.9FM.

A large part of Jay Severin's audience called by him as the "best and brightest" occasionally have to hold their noses when Jay retreats back to his young liberal years and the anti-Vietnam War protest template.
We held our noses on Thursday when Jay decided to endorse the words of Ted Kennedy regarding the Iraq War.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld appeared before a Senate committee and was challenged by Kennedy.
According to Rumsfeld, Kennedy's view of the Iraq War is 180 degrees from the truth. And according to Kennedy, everything in Iraq is wrong, soldiers die for nothing, there is no winning strategy, and we should simply withdraw and repeat what was done to Iraq in the first Gulf War, namely to abandon it to its own fate.
Kennedy called for Rumsfeld to resign and Rumsfeld retorted that he has tried to resign several times and President Bush has refused the resignation.
Now, let's get back to the bottom line issue. Either Kennedy is right or Rumsfeld is right. There is a clear choice here. Is Kennedy speaking nobly from the heart about Iraq or is he just trying to rack up more anti-war, anti-Bush points. Is Rumsfeld, the guy largely in charge of the war, lying to us all while gleefully enjoying all those American soldier casualties.
According to Severin, it's Kennedy who speaks the truth and it's Rumsfeld who speaks with forked tongue.
Sorry, Jay. We love you, but you are, oh, so wrong on this one. We're amazed that Severin can't instinctively sense that in siding with Ted Kennedy, something has to be short circuiting that usually reliable Severin logic.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Faced with biting criticism for his Gitmo Nazi guard speech last week, Senator Dick Durbin did a so-called apology. It's a Clinton style apology.
Basically a Clinton style apology never admits to having done anything wrong, rather it shifts the blame to those who perceive that something said or done was wrong.
In Durbin's so-called apology there's no admission his Senate remarks equating Gitmo military guards with Nazis, Stalinists and Pol Pot are woefully wrong. Rather Durbin says he is sorry some of us folks out here got offended by his remarks. In other words, tough luck if we took his remarks in such a way as to be offended. In other words, it's our problem, folks, not his.
In a pathetic Clinton imitation, Durbin almost came to tears as he delivered his fake apology. He joins a long list of leftists who resort to lip quivering, teary-eyed on-camera moments as they cover their ass.
Almost as offensive as the Durbin attack on Gitmo guards and his Clintonesque apology were the remarks of Senator John McCain.
McCain sprang to Durbin's defense on the Senate floor, offering remarks praising Durbin for his, as McCain put it, "heartfelt apology."
Baloney, Senator McCain. A heartfelt apology is delivered immediately after one offends, not a week later. Durbin's sole reason for a so-called apology is a reaction to all the heat, some of which came from the likes of Chicago Mayor Daley and much of the Illinois media.
It took a week for Durbin to try his cheap apology trick. We're not fooled by it. The Gitmo military personnel are not fooled by it and most of the American people are not fooled by it.
When you publicly state that Gitmo guards are doing a fine job and equating them to Nazis was totally and completely wrong and intended only to score political points, we'll believe you. We await your apology, Senator. A real one, that is.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


After listening to the various talk segments of Air America Radio, the knee jerk reaction of many conservatives is anger, rage and more anger.
It's all wrong. Conservatives and Republicans need to take a step back, take a deep breath and realize just what Air America Radio accomplishes each day as it sends forth its hateful messages via a limited number of stations across the land.
The extremist left wing network is one of several recent endeavors to push national talk to the left. To do this, Air America Radio has resorted to paying some stations to carry its programs. Hit with a barrage of protests from listeners, a number of big advertisers have either shied away from the lefty network or withdrawn their commercials from it.
But perhaps the biggest reason Air America Radio cannot attract advertisers in droves is fundamental. The network simply fails in the ratings game. Only a few rabid left wingers can take the network's negative content for much more than a half hour.
Those in charge of Air America Radio either fail to see the problem or have allowed their political agenda to overwhelm the logic of it all.
Each moment it airs its shows, Air America Radio sends several hundred more independent and Democrat voters running for Republican cover. The network is the G.O.P.'s best friend.
From the cry baby rhetoric of an Al Franken to the crass Boobie Bouncing of a Randi Rhodes to the often hysterical rantings of a Mike Malloy this is a an outfit crying for financial extermination.
Even a casual look at the network's shows betrays its nature as a natural hangout of Vietnam War protesting Jane Fonda era lefties. Morning Sedition, Revolution Starts Now and Mother Jones Radio are hardly names that will attract throngs of undecided voters. Not even the addition of a Jerry Springer can help. After all, its hard to see chairs being thrown over the radio. Once Springer lost his TV visuals, there was little left for Air America Radio to inherit. Then there's Laura Flanders. It's a shame that such a lovely lady comes packaged in all that leftist propaganda.
No, conservatives, Republicans and anyone in the middle need have no fear of Air America Radio. With an incessant fare of America-hating shows that deride people of faith, lambast U.S. soldiers, wish dreadful forms of death on conservative talk hosts and stick up for just about every Anti-American culture assault you can imagine, this lefty network is insuring that the Republican majority will be growing by leaps and bounds for a long time to come.


On Monday Rush Limbaugh took a phone call from a person identifying himself as David, a physician from Norfolk, Virginia. The caller started by defending Senator Durbin's recent comments about Gitmo prison torture and took it a step further, calling for Bush and Rumsfeld to he held accountable for all those atrocities going on down there.
Dr. David was not content with American justice for Bush and Rumsfeld demanding they be placed on trial at an international court in the Netherlands.
"How many innocent people did they kill", asked the doctor.
At this point Limbaugh interjected that Gitmo prisoners were not being mistreated. None of them have lost their heads. None of them have been murdered. None of them have been car bombed. A frustrated Rush asked the doctor how in the world he could possibly see Gitmo or the rest of the world the way he did.
"How many people died when Bush lied to us about this war," asked the mad doctor. Bush didn't lie, asserted Limbaugh.
"How about the Downing Street Memo", asked Dr. David.
"That memo," said Rush, "did not say anything of substance and may be a fake". Still the doctor pushed onward telling Rush that Bush has a low I.Q.
Rush asked the doctor if he ever woke up in the morning happy. Did he ever smile, asked Rush. But the doctor marched on, reminding Rush that Bush is destroying the environment. Rush invited the caller to recite the whole litany held by the Bush haters.
The doctor asked if we were running out of oil.
"No," said Rush. He then asked the caller how he could go through life being as wrong as he was. "You haven't said one thing that's correct," said Rush.
At this point the conversation became much more honest. The caller reminded Rush that Karl Marx had written that religion was the opium of the masses. Sensing now that the caller was, in fact a Communist, Rush asked the doctor to identify his source of income.
"The patients I treat," said the doctor.
"Wrong," said Rush. "Government pays you. Health insurance pays you, just like Karl Marx would have wanted it."
The doctor returned to the Marx theory of religion. The 9/11 hijackers were on the opium of religion. That's what made them hijackers. Religion is the villain.
"Do you believe in God," Rush asked David.
"No," he replied. And he then said he could prove in two minutes there was no God.
"Would a God have created us with all that crap inside us that has to come out of us all the time?" he asked. "Would he have created women so they have to have a period every month?"
Rush instinctively saw an opportunity for humor.
"I so believe in God," said Rush, "that when people like you get to heaven I believe it will make you crap."
"You are the American Taliban," David yelled back.
"Why did you come to this country," asked Rush.
"I came for adventure, to see the world," said David.
With the conversation nearly at an end, Rush accused David of wanting to destroy this country. But David entered new territory, invoking Halliburton, Enron and corporate greed as the reason for war.
"I can't believe you ever made it through medical school, David," said Rush.
In conclusion Rush reviewed what movies David had recently seen.
"Fahrenheit 911," David answered.
Rush told the audience a few minutes later, "And we thought we had problems with the lawyers, folks. Now we have to worry about the doctors, too!"
Amen, Rush, Amen. Especially when they're Communists.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Today marks the seventh anniversary of the firing of Boston Globe writer Patricia Smith after she was forced to admit inventing people and their quotes in her columns.
Smith was hardly the first in the media to advance the liberal agenda even if that effort required using false or fantasy information. In the world of left wing media, the ends always justify the means.
Then followed Jayson Blair of the New York Times and his vividly inventive pieces of journalism. His fake stories also got him fired.
We rolled onward with the contrived memo on Bush's National Guard service at a crucial point in the 2004 election. Whether or not this farce led to Dan Rather's departure from CBS news is arguable, but the bottom line is the propensity for the media to come up with these contrived products whenever it helps to advance some part of the liberal or Democrat agenda.
Was it by chance that the New York Times ran over fifty highly visible articles intended to show how U.S. soldiers torture and mistreat prisoners at Iraq's Abu Ghraib Prison? Or is it just coincidental that the current media overload about Gitmo prisoner abuse coincides with Democrat rhetoric in Congress comparing U.S. military prison guards to Hitler's Death Camp thugs?
All this anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-Conservative and anti-Christian media swill is intended to damage future Republican election chances while elevating the chance for Democrats to get back into the majority.
But what it actually does is show with clarity that there is a well organized conspiracy going on involving the liberal mass media and the increasingly left wing Democrat Party. And what it really does is to insure an even quicker demise of left wing whackos and their equally whacky agendas.
Sadly it also results in aid and comfort to America's enemies both at home and abroad. It encourages terrorists everywhere, and especially in Iraq, to keep up their attacks on both coalition soldiers as well as innocent civilians. It is this last result that is the most tragic and it is this result for which the American liberal mass media should hang its head in shame.

Friday, June 17, 2005


On his Friday show, Rush Limbaugh offered Senator Dick Durbin an all-expense-paid trip to a number of locations around the world.
Limbaugh was responding to Durbin's Senate speech that equated Gitmo soldiers to guards in Nazi death camps, Soviet gulags and Pol Pot regime prisons.
Rush suggested that Durbin desperately needs to visit a number of places to get a handle on what real torture and inhumane treatment are all about. The suggested Durbin tour starts at Nazi concentration camp locations with Holocaust survivors then meeting with Durbin to tell him of their experiences. Durbin then visits former Siberian prisons and the Killing Fields of Cambodia. Next Durbin goes to Ground Zero in New York to be reminded how fellow Americans jumped to their death, followed by visits with the cops, firemen and 9/11 families. Durbin then visits U.S. solders at Walter Reed Hospital to get their feedback on his Senate speech. Finally, Durbin spends a few hours in Arlington National Cemetery to get a better perspective on what separates Americans from Nazis, Stalinists and Cambodian mass murderers.
Rush repeated his offer to pay for the complete Durbin tour out of his own pocket.
We predict Durbin will not consider Rush's offer since the last stop suggested for the tour was Gitmo where Durbin could sit down with the military guards and insult them face to face. He could then return to the Senate with first hand testimony that the Gitmo gusrds made him piss in his pants.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


On Tuesday, Senator Dick Durbin from Illinois read from an FBI agent's memo. Durbin described certain methods employed against a single terrorist prisoner held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. According to Durbin, the prisoner was subjected to coercive tactics used to extract information about future terrorist plans to kill Americans.
Among the tactics cited by Durbin were the withholding of air conditioning, forcing a prisoner to sleep on a tile floor and forcing the prisoner to listen to rap music. Durbin then stated this was sufficient to equate U.S. military prisons with Hitler's Nazi death camps, Soviet gulags and torture inflicted by Cambodia's infamous Pol Pot regime.
Since Durbin made the Senate speech, the left wing media have conspired with Durbin by largely ignoring what Durbin said. It was only through intense exposure on talk radio by Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage and Bill O'Reilly, as well as hundreds of other great talk hosts that Durbin was made to account for his words.
According to reports, Durbin's office was deluged by hundreds of outraged calls, to the point where Durbin's staff hung up on many callers trying to express their anger. Some even reported that the phone lines appeared to go dead or emitted a buzzing sound.
Not long after the Durbin speech, the Arab TV Network Al Jazeera ran with the story. Durbin was praised by Al Jazeera for having exposed America's cruelty at Gitmo. Joining Al Jazeera in praise of his remarks were his fellow Democrats, most of whom showed acceptance of Durbin's views on the U.S. military at Gitmo by way of their complete silence.
There is little doubt that Al Quaida terrorists around the globe also welcomed Durbin's view that American military personnel are equal to Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot.
Thus Dick Durbin gave proof that he, his fellow Democrats, Al Jazeera and America's terrorist enemies are all on one side, the side rooting for America's defeat and, as a result, the defeat of George W. Bush.
Republicans, Conservatives, and indeed all Americans should compliment Dick Durbin for honestly saying what most left wing Democrats would like to say but do not.
Durbin has become the first U.S. Senator openly giving aid and comfort to AL Quaida in the halls of Congress. There are many more on Capitol Hill like Durbin. They just don't have the guts to admit it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Starting with the Clinton administration, Democrats and their lap dogs in the media have enshrined so-called polls. Poll results are used at the drop of a hat to support anyone and anything that advances the left wing agenda.
Thus we have to ask, when is a poll not a poll?
The brief answer is when it's a poll invented by a Democrat operative or a left wing media propaganda outfit.
In days past, when journalists were journalists, polls were never created in order to produce a story. The media seldom referred to a poll unless it originated with a completely unbiased source. But in recent times, all the major radio and TV networks as well as major magazines and newspapers have begun to take their own polls.
The clever deception here is that the polls are taken not to obtain results but to manufacture a story. The headlines scream look what this poll shows and look what that poll shows. The reader is fooled into believing that this is a legitimate news story. But it isn't. It's a story based on a poll done by a biased source with an agenda. And seldom is the agenda not leftist.
Here's how it works. Fueled by a seething hatred for George Bush, your agenda is to make Bush look bad. So you get out there and ask folks a bunch of questions about torture and prisoner abuse. You cleverly design the questions to get the answers that are required to advance your agenda. You make sure that you know in advance how the question will be answered by a majority of those questioned. Once you have enough pre-arranged responses you rush back to the office and dutifully write a story about how most people think U.S. Marines are the villains at Guantanamo Bay and most of the terrorists prisoners are innocent victims of torture and abuse. Lots of people read your ill founded propaganda disguised as it is as legitimate news. Lots of readers or viewers then believe most of their fellow citizens think that George Bush endorses military torture and abuse which in turn leads many to believe that everyone in the Bush administration endorses torture and abuse which leads many to believe that everyone who likes George Bush also just loves to torture and abuse people. Now who would ever vote for such a bunch of torture and abuse lovers. Obviously nobody would. Thus the agenda is fulfilled and Democrats and other socialists win future elections.
But happily most of the leftist media miss the most important of polls, the Nielsen ratings and similar surveys. In every case these legitimate polls show more and more Americans no longer watch left wing television. More and more Americans shun left wing radio. And fewer and fewer Americans read the propaganda found in left wing magazines and newspapers.
When it comes to who is winning the battle of the polls, it's the left wing that is clearly losing.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


So D.O.D. Secretary Don Rumsfeld has clarified yet again what we are up against.
Not content with enemy bombings and killings in Afghanistan and Iraq, America's internal enemies are now attacking our Marines at Gitmo and sticking up for and hoping for the release of the prisoners they guard.
Rumsfeld appeared on television and once again clarified with precision just what goes on at Gitmo.
Prisoners at Gitmo are allowed to pray five times a day and their Marine guards are forbidden to step on certain floor boards that might squeak and disturb our praying terrorist killers.
Prisoners at Gitmo are handed Korans by Marines who must wear surgical gloves lest they defile the Muslim Holy Book.
Prisoners at Gitmo sleep on foam mattresses and then get to exercise regularly by day.
Prisoners receive meals carefully prepared to follow Muslim dietary laws. A typical meal served lately consisted of orange glazed chicken, green beans and mushrooms.
The meals served to Gitmo prisoners cost more than the meals eaten by their Marine guards.
But beyond this, Rumsfeld revealed that some Gitmo killers were released only to return to fighting on the side of those killing U.S. troops and others in Afghanistan and Iraq. In some cases the same killers were rounded up in raids on terrorist camps and then got a second trip to Gitmo.
All this in turn results in a renewed call to let all the Gitmo killers go so Amnesty International, the United Nations, Muslims in general and Al Quaida in particular will be happy, along with, of course, the New York Times, the Boston Globe and Time Magazine. The charge is being led by political leaders who continue to call themselves Democrats. Their names are well known: Boxer, Kennedy, Biden, Leahy, Schumer and on and on. That these left wing loonies continue to associate themselves with the name Democrat is laughable. If you think the likes of FDR, Truman and John Kennedy would be calling for the release of America's enemy prisoners at Gitmo or any other place, then you are as nuts as they are.
No folks, these so-called Democrat senators and politicians are not Democrats. What they are are Communist, left wing, loony, seditionist whack jobs. In the war now underway they have chosen to side with our enemies. They are additional proof that Michael Savage is right on target in calling present day liberalism a mental disorder.


Joining host Tucker Carlson and fellow panelist Rachel Maddow was WTKK's Boston Talk Host Jay Severin. Jay's appearance came on Monday's edition of Carlson's new show, The Situation.
What is it about a show on MSNBC that tells you within the first ten minutes that its cable news deja vu?
It's a strange yet familiar feeling. The show is new, yet you get the feeling that its just another beast with the same DNA as Hard Ball, Olbermann and Scarborough. And, like Scarborough's show, you get the feeling that even though it's supposed to be an attempt to be a little like Fox News, that there's an Air America Radio mole behind the curtain making sure that the show never drifts any further right than just left of center.
So, it was the same old feeling watching The Situation, and we fearlessly predict a quick demise for this latest MSNBC bomb.
That being said, let's concentrate on the only bright side. And the bright side was all Severin. Limited as he was to about three sentences at a time, you kept thinking to yourself that if Severin could have suddenly switched chairs with Carlson, and Carlson and Maddow had gone home, MSNBC would have its first hit news show in ages. But, as is usual with dreams, this dream did not come true.
And so it was that we had to savor the savvy and the wit and the brilliance in things logical of Saverin in frustratingly tiny verbal fragments, while host Carlson ran endlessly at the mouth. And, as for Ms. Maddow, yes, her quips were as short as Severin's, but nobody except maybe Barney Frank was hanging on her every word.
Apparently Carlson was supposed to be the conservative type Fox News guy, while Maddow was the fair and balanced liberal. That put Severin into an enviable position as the only authentic member of the trio. And, if you listened carefully, Severin outdistanced everything else on the show.
To be fair, the show had the misfortune to coincide with a Michael Jackson acquittal, so much of its content dealt with that subject. Maybe future shows will be less unfortunate and deal with real news. And maybe this or other panelists will take The Situation to a higher level. But, until then, there is no hope for this MSNBC entry, that is unless Jay Severin is hired immediately to do the show by himself.


From The Rush Limbaugh Show Monday comes the notion that when it comes to winning a war against America's enemies, the wrong template is being applied by the mainstream media and liberals.
The winning template is that of World War II. America won that war in a decisive manner. The full arsenal of weapons was employed, including nuclear weapons. The war was won by military members described by author and newsman Tom Brokaw as America's Greatest Generation. Not only were war prisoners placed in confinement, but the Roosevelt administration even interned Japanese-American civilians. Casualties at times were horrendous, with 7,000 deaths in the invasion of Iwo Jima alone. On the home front, civilians were united in the war effort. Tolerance of the enemy was unknown.
Today the template is that of war in Vietnam. This is the war embraced eagerly by all those liberal war protesters and draft card and flag burners who have now advanced in age and are now running the media. Using this template, America cannot win a war. America is the aggressor. America tolerates the killing of innocent civilians. America tortures and abuses prisoners. American military casualties are seen as nothing more than evidence of lives sacrificed in vain by heartless politicians, namely Republicans.
So it comes as no surprise that using the Vietnam template, America's efforts in the War on Terrorism are now being attacked by the liberal media. Once more America cannot win. America is the aggressor. American troops kill innocent civilians. American personnel torture and mistreat war prisoners.
In short, using the Vietnam template, everything done by America is wrong and our enemies are the real victims.
All this after 9/11. All this after the horror witnessed in New York and Washington and Pennsylvania that dreadful morning. But to the Vietnam War liberals it is better to support anyone and anything that will make America's war effort fit their beloved Vietnam War template. Anything that works against George W. Bush and his use of the military to defend America's interests is viewed as proper. Anything that fouls up the war effort is embraced as noble.
A future Tom Brokaw may have to write a future book about this being America's Worst Generation.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Acting as guest host on Rush Limbaugh's Friday show, George Mason University Economics Prof Walter Williams helped to blow away some of those familiar liberal myths.
In the final hour of the show, Williams was joined by Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow at Stamford's Hoover Institution.
Both Dr. Williams and Sowell are of African-American ancestry.
History demonstrates that Europeans and their descendants were at the forefront in ending slavery. Slavery persisted and exists even to this day among Asian and African cultures. Yet liberal teachers continue the myth that white Europeans were the slave villains.
The talk show guests pointed out that Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C., was an all black school until the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court decision outlawed segregated schools. Once integrated, Dunbar went from being a school producing graduates with some of the highest SAT scores in the country to its final state as just another failed Washington high school.
Another myth is that slavery caused the disintegration of black families. The hosts pointed out that until the 1960's, the overwhelming number of black families were two parent families. The break up of black families since the 1960's was not due to slavery but rather due to the so-called War on Poverty launched by Lyndon Johnson and Democrats. The War on Poverty rewarded illegitimate children and their single mothers with federal welfare money. It empowered bad family behavior and rewarded those who became unproductive.
Dr. Williams had a fascinating set of rules on avoiding poverty. According to Williams, if the following rules are kept, there is a less than five per cent chance you will ever be in poverty. The rules are:
1. Study hard in school and get your High School Diploma.
2. Always hold a job throughout your working years, even if at times the job pays minimum wage.
3. Do not have children until you are married.
4. Once married, stay married.
5. Never engage in any unlawful activities above the level of a misdemeanor.

Friday, June 10, 2005


DNC Chairman Howard Dean reigns supreme.
You can dismiss all those deceptive Democrats trying to distance themselves from some of Dean's nasty remarks about Republicans, conservatives and Christians. More relevant is the sound of silence coming from some like Hillary Clinton. Better to say nothing than to be identified as either a Dean lover or a Dean hater. True to her fashion, Hillary keeps you guessing.
But make no mistake about Dean. He reigns supreme in the hearts and minds of Democrats.
Filled with nothing more than rage and hatred of George W. Bush and everyone and everything associated with Bush, the Dean Democrats have nowhere to go except to suffer internal political combustion. It has been said that incessant rage and hatred will devour you. Led by raging Dean, the Democrats are well on their way to destruction. Their antics in the Senate in trying to be a majority while knowing they are the minority are simply pathetic. The recent farce agreement engineered with a handful of pink pants Republicans concerning filibustering will soon blow up in their faces. Sooner or later the majority rules, even when some of its members hate like hell to be on the side that rules.
So on Thursday Senate Dem boss Dirty Harry Reid sat down with Howie and back slapped his way into a show of support for all that Dean rage and hatred. The Dems are running on all cylinders. They are running their way toward even greater political disasters in the near future. But nothing will keep them from remaining on the road to ruin. So great is the Bush hating that they will even stick up for Al Quaida and the rest of our enemies if that's what it takes to bring down Bush.
When you're running on rage and hatred you can't have a better leader than Howard Dean.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


DNC Chairman Howard Dean is being portrayed in some mainstream media circles as being a guy in hot water over some of his recent comments.
Basically Dean has called Republicans a bunch of monolithic meanies and a gang of white rich people intent on spreading racism and inequality throughout the land.
As for Christians, Dean has characterized them as a bunch of extremists controlling the Republican Party and intent on establishing some sort of theocracy.
Further Dean has openly expressed his hatred for Republicans and portrayed conservatives as a minority when it comes to voting.
Several important Democrats now are trying to fool people into believing that they are sincere in saying they do not agree with Dean's recent comments. Chief among these has been Senator Joe Biden.
The left wing national media has tried to soften Dean's tones with various explanations of what Dean really meant when he said this, that and the other. Dean himself says he has been quoted out of context.
All of this coming from Dean at the very moment his own party members in the Senate try desperately to destroy the reputation of a black woman and stop her from becoming a U.S. Circuit Court judge.
The Democrats continue to twist themselves into political pretzels. They are faced with a dilemma. They don't want to appear as agreeing with the things Dean is saying, yet they know in their hearts they agree with everything Dean says.
As for Howard Dean himself, he is the only authentic liberal and Democrat around. Dean knows, as do his left wing supporters, that the 2004 presidential nomination should have belonged to him. His base supporters love every hate filled speech he gives. They love the way he trashes Republicans, Conservatives, church goers and capitalists. They love every socialist bone in Dean's body.
And we love you too, Howard. Keep the rage rolling. Keep up the rhetoric that alienates more and more voters that once called themselves Democrats. We love you, Howie.
You're the best thing that has happened to Republicans and Conservatives in years.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Rush Limbaugh used results of a recent study by Brigham & Women's and Harvard scientists to poke fun at how liberals use fear in order to scare the hell out of people. Make people scared enough and they elect a liberal to make their lives safe again.
The study found that kids age 12-14 get fat from drinking too much milk. And skim milk was found to be worse than regular milk.
Rush pointed out that Big Milk, like Big Oil and Halliburton, cleverly deceive the public. You know, all those cute photos of kids with milk mustaches. All those NASCAR drivers raising a glass of milk after winning the race.
Then, taking it further, Rush reminded us all of even more insidious dangers lurking out there and making us sick and dead. Big Milk at least advertises its products, but have you noticed that Big Carrots never runs ads for its products?
Yes, friends! Who suspects the horrors to our health from eating carrots?
A study has shown that everyone killed in auto accidents in the last five years had eaten carrots often in their lifetime.
Those who went blind or deaf had eaten carrots within months of losing their sight and hearing.
All cancer victims surveyed had eaten carrots often, even when their mothers forced them to do so as a child.
Virtually all who were injured by slipping and falling on ice confessed to having ingested carrots on a regular basis. Some even on the day they fell!
In light of this, Big Carrots cleverly sneaks the dangerous product onto our plates with clever deception. Remember all those cute Bugs Bunny cartoons. Bugs steals the carrots from Elmer Fudd's garden. Kids watch these cartoons and believe that it's not only O.K. to raid your neighbor's garden, but that it's O.K. to snap a carrot as well!
Why, there's no end to this danger from Big Carrots and their corporate greed.
Thank you, Rush, for reminding us how grateful we all should be to scientists and the studies they provide.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Cloture has been invoked in the U.S. Senate and the long overdue floor vote is on the way for California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown.
On Tuesday the Senate liberals began a final assault on Judge Rogers Brown. Rogers Brown was born in the deep South and attended racially segregated schools in her childhood. Her family moved later to California where Rogers Brown excelled in legal studies, lately receiving 70 per cent voter support for a seat on the state's highest court.
Yet California's own Senator Barbara Boxer read a long list of groups opposed to Rogers Brown being appointed to the U.S. District Court. Most if not all of the groups on Boxer's list proclaim they are champions of racial equality and the rights of women. That's because most if not all of the groups are biased on the left, if not ultra leftist. And we all know liberals have the monopoly especially when it comes to defending blacks and women.
So here we have the hypocrisy of liberals exposed in the Senate. All these groups opposing a black women who is a distinguished jurist and an example of how to achieve success without help from affirmative action, government programs and Jesse Jackson. As such she must be attacked as being radical, extremist, beyond the mainstream, ultra Right Wing and on and on and on.
New York's Senator Schumer even proposed during Senate debate that Judge Rogers Brown was the start of dictatorship. He demanded to know if the judge wanted to become a Grand Exalted Ruler. This remark brought a heated response from Alabama's Senator Sessions who correctly smelled Schumer's dirty insinuation that Rogers Brown, a black woman, is somehow akin to the likes of a Ku Klux Klan Wizard.
The KKK was never mentioned by name, but everyone got Schumer's meaning. It was another example of lunatic Senate liberalism. It was another show of just how hypocritical these Senate liberals are when they portray themselves as great and compassionate defenders of racial minorities and the rights of women.
We noted that during this attempt to put a KKK hood on Judge Rogers Brown, our old friend and former member of the Ku Klux Klan, Senator Robert Byrd, was not in the Senate chamber. We suspect he was at the laundromat making sure his white Klan robes are nicey clean when he takes his turn at the podium to continue the assault on the judge.
The hypocrisy of these Senate left wing phoneys is indeed something to behold.

Monday, June 06, 2005


In parliamentary elections in southern Lebanon Sunday, Hezbollah won all 17 contested seats.
Hezbollah is considered a terrorist group by the U.S. and Israel.
Largely pro-Syrian and militantly anti-Israel, Hezbollah has been linked to terrorist attacks in Israel and has taken credit for any number of attacks.
Hezbollah is largely a Shiite Muslim movement and campaigned on a policy of keeping its weapons handy and retaining a belief that Israel must be removed from the regional map.
This development sends disturbingly bad signals from the Middle East. Most of the Hezbollah candidates won their parliament posts with margins exceeding 80 per cent over all opposing parties.
It would seem that in order for Hezbollah to be seriously challenged in Lebanon, a new Death to Jews Party needs to organize and present candidates. Maybe a third party called The Suicide Bunch could be thrown in for good measure. Faced with such stern opposition, Hezbollah's margin of victory might plummet to 70 per cent.
The bottom line is that in southern Lebanon, and we suspect in most of the rest of the Islamic world, the hunger to exterminate Jews and destroy Israel remains at the forefront. Israel has long known this to be true. The question is whether or not Condoleeza Rice and the rest of the Bush administration have figured it out. The latest news from Lebanon should help them if they haven't.


The Rush Limbaugh show inaugurated a new download service for its Premium Rush 24/7 subscribers on Friday.
Paid members who have a Rush 24/7 subscription can go to the Limbaugh web site and download a small application. Then the setup allows you to specify what folder on your hard drive will be used to receive automatic mpg3 files of Rush's daily programs, divided into three files per day, one file per hour of broadcast time.
We tested the service and found the sound quality exceptional. Also, the size of the three files it takes to save Rush's full three hours is surprisingly small. The initial download of Friday's show took only about 5 megs of hard drive.
Once the download application is installed on your hard drive, Rush's full three hours per day will be sent to your computer automatically about 2 hours after actual air time, assuming you are connected to the internet. The service will be especially good for those with cable and dsl internet connections.
Each hour of material is devoid of all music, parodies and commercials, so we found that Rush's actual talking time was about 35 minutes per hour of actual broadcast time.
The automatic download feature can temporarily be disabled with ease. So you can go on long vacations and not use up hard drive space while you are away.
Further details are found at Rush's web site .

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Rush Limbaugh on Friday took credit for having predicted last year that Democrats would seek a way to call for impeachment of President Bush if Bush won the 2004 election.
With Bush now the 2004 winner, and with time running out before critical Supreme Court vacancies are filled by Bush appointees, Democrats are ready to go forward with anything they can muster to demonize Bush and keep him from any meaningful accomplishments in the rest of his presidency.
Fulfilling the Limbaugh prediction made months ago, Democrat 2004 loser John Kerry has issued a statement calling for a Bush impeachment. Kerry has indicated he will bring the matter to the Senate next week. The impeachment threat will be based on a memo published in the U.K. in early May that was authored by a member of British intelligence. Allegedly the memo says that Prime Minister Tony Blair was made aware that President Bush knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq but that he deliberately lied to the world in order to proceed with an Iraq military invasion.
Coincidently, if you believe it to be coincidently, the leftist media are about to obtain via Federal Court order additional photos as well as video that will show multiple incidents of prisoner abuse by U.S. military personnel in both Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Inspired by fond memories of the Nixon near impeachment stirred up by a Deep Throat identity revelation this week, the additional prisoner abuse material plus a Kerry call for Bush's impeachment should have the left wingers frothing at the mouth if not having actual sexual orgasms. It may even lead to another Iowa primary night scream from DNC Chairman Howard Dean.
It is time for the President to drop the smiles and calls for bipartisanship. This is a civil war. This is a confrontation between the United States as the Constitution defines it, and a left wing Marxist type revolt being funded from sinister sources and largely being played out via Democrat politicians. The internal enemy is as frightening as anything coming from Al Quaida.
President Bush needs to start waging war on this new and sinister internal enemy with the same determination that he once demonstrated in the war against terrorism. And he needs to do it quickly.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


We watched the C-Span coverage of a labor union PAC called Campaign for America's Future and wondered if anyone in the jeans and T Shirt audience noticed that most of the speakers at the podium were wearing the two thousand dollar suits and silk ties.
Ah! Yes! How sweet it is to be a professional labor leader or a professional left wing politician. You get to be invited to these groups, get lots of pats on the back and, best of all, you never have to work for living like the people you talk down to do.
At this session, Democrat Party Chairman Howard Dean led the celebrity list. He was not to be outdone by Laura Ingraham's Breck Boy, John Edwards, who is still calling for fair elections where everybody who wants to vote gets to vote. You could tell he wanted to say the votes in Ohio should be counted again, but even he probably realized that would seem a bit like a sore loser. So instead he talked about all the things big government should be doing for everybody. Not only doing things here at home, but, according to Edwards, all the things we should be doing everywhere in the world. We were waiting for him to endorse Food Stamps for Botswana and free day care for all Indonesians. He didn't quite go that far, but you get the idea.
As for Dean, he told the gathering that Democrats better start cozying up to those Evangelical Christians. He didn't quite say how an Evangelical would consider joining a party that advocates abortion, homosexual marriage, ridding us of the Ten Commandments and allowing illegal aliens and prison inmates to vote. But, then again, we can't underestimate Dean's ability to reach into his bag of deception and deceit and come up with a way to corral all those Right Wing Extremist Christians. Beware all you Christians! Howard Dean is coming to get you!
By the time the afternoon session was plodding along, this audience was being asked to endorse freebies for everyone, everywhere and all the time. Of course there was no mention of our troops fighting terrorism or U.N. corruption.
At the point where the head of the United Mine Workers took us back to the good old days of John L. Lewis in the forties, we realized that there is precious little left for left wingers to extol nowadays.
And, by the way, for all those who have no idea who John L. Lewis was, he mainly was a major pain in the butt for Democrat icons Roosevelt and Truman each and every time he threatened a paralyzing miners' strike. Those were the days when Democrats were more conservative that today's Republicans. Now that we think of it, John L. Lewis would have loved Howard Dean.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So now, after all these years, Mark Felt, a 99 year old former F.B.I. official says he was the famous Deep Throat. He was the man who secretly gave tips to Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein over thirty years ago. And largely based on those tips, the Washington Post revealed enough evidence of the Watergate break-in cover up by President Richard Nixon to force a Nixon resignation.
To this day, Nixon is the only U.S. President to resign from office. It was legal for Nixon to resign. The irony is that Felt acted illegally in passing classified information to the Post reporters. Speculation has it that Felt wanted to get even with Nixon for having been denied a higher F.B.I. position. But today's left wing media will overlook Felt's motives and concentrate on making Felt an American hero. Here he was, Deep Throat, the guy who got rid of that G.O.P. devil, Richard Nixon.
Now let us turn to another Deep Throat. This Deep Throat was a young White House intern whose throat and nearby accessory parts serviced President Clinton on a number of occasions. We never would have known about this other Deep Throat had it not been for the fact that a person named Linda Tripp provided evidence via that famous semen-stained Blue Dress that failed the Clinton DNA innocence test. Unlike the first Deep Throat, the second Deep Throat was glossed over by the Post and other media. As a result, unlike Nixon, who had the integrity to resign when faced with impeachment, Clinton celebrated his impeachment. His perjury and obstruction of justice were overlooked by his fellow Democrats, by the entire media corps and a forgiving public. And unlike Mark Felt, who will become a national media built hero in coming days, Linda Tripp will continue to be portrayed by the same media as she always was, as a vengeful and despicable snitch who had the audacity to make Slick Willie suffer impeachment.
To the left wing media whores, it all depends on who the villain happens to be. If a Republican, then no holds are barred to destroy the villain. If a liberal, then no holds are barred to help the villain escape.
Nice try, Mark Felt. But to us there will always be only one real, honest-to-goodness Deep Throat, and her name is Monica Lewinsky.

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