Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Over recent years the Boy Scouts of America have become the target of several liberal assaults, with several gaining national media attention.
The Boy Scouts had used a public park in southern California for their activities over a lengthy period of time. But, liberal homosexual activists went to court and found a way to boot the Scouts out of the park on the grounds that Scout guidelines supported religion and supported a ban on homosexual scout leaders.
In other liberal instituted court actions, attempts were made to force the Boy Scouts to admit homosexuals at all levels, and to destroy long standing official Congressional support for scouting on the grounds that atheist scouts were the targets of discrimination.
In short, liberalism has had the Boy Scouts of America in its cross hairs for some time. After all, we need to get rid of a bunch of kids advocating sound moral principles and being dutiful toward the Almighty. Apparently a Hitler Youth type organization would make more sense to our fellow American National Socialist activists.
With all of this said, the tragedy in Virginia this week becomes all the more a burden of unbearable proportions.
Within seconds, four Alaska scout adult leaders died when they made contact with power lines while attempting to raise a tent support. It was all the more horrible that the adult victims died while their scout sons watched what was happening.
Instead of a fun filled scout jamboree experience, the Alaska scouts made a quick return home with the remains of their dads.
Talk Radio Review would do anything if this terrible tragedy could be reversed. But we all know that nothing can be done in the face of such happenings.
All that we can do is to ask the Lord to look kindly on the Boy Scouts of America in coming days and years. And we pray the Lord will send sufficient strength to all the Virginia jamboree scouts and their adult leaders as they finish the week while bearing a burden heavy beyond words.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Since President Bush nominated Judge John Roberts for the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats have taken pains to appear conciliatory if not downright friendly.
But the leopard does not change its spots, and a skunk never smells like a rose. No one should be led to believe that the Senate Democrats are ready to confirm Judge Roberts with ease. Quite to the contrary, the demands are already being made for Roberts to turn over legal memos and papers going back to his days in the Justice Department. And the White House has already correctly given the signal that many of the old Roberts documents are inappropriate for a Senate Committee hearing.
Shades of Miguel Estrada and the Democrat obstructionism that ended with Estrada withdrawing his name rather than go through what Democrat Judiciary Committee members were asking.
One wonders if Anita Hill may be summoned by the Democrats to add her fuel to the fire. After all, Hill was recently consulted by CNN's Larry King for opinions on just what Judge Roberts is all about.
What is certain is that no amount of Roberts' paper trail will ever be sufficient to satisfy the likes of Ted Kennedy and Patrick Leahy. Judge Roberts could turn over his baby diapers containing their original poop and it still would not be enough for Dick Durbin and Carl Levin.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has been hinting that she may vote to confirm Roberts. This may or may not indicate that the Democrats merely want to rant and rave without going all the way into a filibuster to block the nominee.
Nothing of substance will go forward immediately as the Senate is about to adjourn for its August break. This adjournment hopefully will allow President Bush to do a recess appointment of John Bolton to be America's U.N. ambassador. Such a move on the part of the President would be a clear signal to Senate obstructionists that the administration is finally up for a good fight.

Friday, July 22, 2005


Hitting a new low, desperate Democrats zeroed in on Judge John Roberts' wife Jane Sullivan Roberts.
Jane Roberts is herself a lawyer and a staunch foe of abortion. She has provided time, money and legal advice to a small Washington group known as Feminists for Life of America.
Like her husband, Jane Roberts is a Roman Catholic, so it is almost natural that the largely anti-religious and anti-Christian leftists should single out Mrs. Roberts as a target for mud slinging.
A second sudden target for attack is former CBS newsman Bernie Goldberg. His latest book, 100 People Screwing up America, largely blasts leftists, although a few Conservatives are on Goldberg's list. Interviewed on a largely unwatched CNBC cable show, Goldberg was set up and viciously attacked by five lefties, including Ron Deutsch, the show's host. Anyone seeing Goldberg under fire on this show saw quite clearly just how much left wingers truly believe in free speech. Goldberg was unable to utter any words in his defense until he finally told the panelists that he wished they would shut up and let him speak. Sorry, Bernie, only elitist left wing snobs get to talk on Democrat controlled cable shows.
Finally we note attacks on Senator Rick Santorum from Pennsylvania. His comments that Boston liberalism contributed to an atmosphere of sexual freedom in which child abuse by priests flourished has been met by liberal wrath. While Santorum's view may not be accepted as gospel by many, it is a fact that the Boston archdiocese led the nation in number of wayward priests convicted of child sexual abuse in the last three decades. And it is also demonstrable that Boston is a citadel of liberalism. You are free to make the connection here.
Meanwhile, Democrats are in the frustrating position of seeing Karl Rove driven off the front pages of big city newspapers by such unimportant events as London terrorist bombs and the selection of Judge Roberts for the Supreme Court.
What is a Democrat to do these days? Hopefully at least the Senate Democrats will make total fools of themselves when confirmation hearings with Judge Roberts get underway.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Supreme Court nominee Judge John Roberts has passed his first day with flying colors.
The loonie tunes otherwise known as talk show hosts at Air America Radio are all in a tither and rage over Judge Roberts. Anyone who is nominated for the Supreme Court and is found acceptable at Air America Radio would automatically qualify as a dangerous choice for America. So Judge Roberts, by the fact you have all the Air America Radio folks upset, you have passed the first part of your test as a well qualified nominee.
But perhaps the best indicator that Judge Roberts is a splendid choice is shown by the fact that Senator Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island is already hinting that he may not vote to confirm the nominee.
Anyone winning the approval of Lincoln Chaffee would certainly be the worst thing that could happen to the U.S. Supreme Court.
So it is with pleasure that we announce that nominee Roberts has passed his first day with flying colors.
Condemnation by Air America Radio and a non=endorsement from Lincoln Chaffee both signal that the judicial branch of government will finally be on its way toward desperately needed improvement once John Roberts takes his seat on America's highest court.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Minutes after President Bush nominated D.C. Appeals Court Judge John Roberts to be the next Supreme COurt Justice, two of our favorite looney tune Democrats came to the press microphones to voice their reservations.
We hope it was with fear and trembling that Chuckie Schumer of New York and Patty Leahy of Vermont put forth what for them sounded like fairly timid sentiments of opposition to Judge Roberts. But only time will tell.
Overnight, the marching orders will begin to flow from the left wing hierarchy in charge of today's Democrat Party. The Democrat opposition newspaper, the New York Times, will doubtless give us the first hints as to how strong a fight Senate Democrats will put up against this Bush nominee.
Leahy is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, so he will be one to watch starting Wednesday morning.
Initial commentary from media political watchers indicates that the usual crowd of lefty loons in the Senate will be allowed to throw their usual temper tantrums, but that in the end Judge Roberts will be confirmed in time for the Supreme Court's new session in October.
We wish Judge Roberts smooth sailing as he faces the Senate loonies. If Ted Kennedy asks Judge Roberts what his position is on overturning Roe versus Wade, we hope Judge Roberts will fire back and ask Ted Kennedy what swim stroke he used at Chappaquiddick in 69. After all, one biting question deserves another.

Friday, July 15, 2005


It's always laughable when any left wing Democrat comes to the aid of the C.I.A. After all, the Democrats spent most of the Clinton years doing everything they could to trash the C.I.A. and emasculate the intelligence agency.
So it's cause to ask ourselves, what is this sudden political union between Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and former ambassador Joe Wilson? They both teamed up Thursday to fan the emotional flames concerning the ongoing Karl Rove investigation.
But how does one go about getting a press conference with any U.S. senator unless you have special relationships with that senator? So we might ask, did Wilson call Chuckie to arrange this piece of showmanship, or did Chuckie call Wilson?
Our bet is that Schumer engineered the media event with Wilson. We are also betting that Schumer has been in on a scheme with Wilson for many months and that Schumer was chief Democrat architect of a plan to embarrass President Bush by debunking Bush's assertion that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy nuclear material from the African nation of Niger.
It is almost a no-brainer to see that Bush haters working at the C.I.A. worked with Wilson's wife, herself a C.I.A. employee, to arrange a trip for Wilson to Niger so that he could then write a fictitious report designed to prove that Bush was a liar. In fact intelligence to this day confirms that Iraq's former dictator did seek uranium ore.
Was Senator Schumer involved with this devious scheme? Did the idea of the Wilson trip and subsequent anti-Bush report originate with Schumer?
It seems strange that this sudden two man team of Schumer and Wilson should appear out of nowhere.
There is much more to this whole affair than Schumer or any other high ranking Democrat would care to divulge. The Bush haters, starting with Joe Wilson, want to destroy Karl Rove, and in turn President Bush.
In the world of today's moral relativism left wingers, any scheme that works politically is embraced.
We hope that Republicans will leave no stone unturned to find out just why Chuck Schumer sees Joe Wilson as such a friendly fellow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Democrats and their mainstream media lap dogs are now on the attack against White House strategist Karl Rove.
The frenzy has been illustrated with the almost childish performance of the White House press corps. Acting as a sort of new opposition party, reporters repeatedly demanded that White House Press Secretary McClellan withdraw words of support he made for Rove some weeks ago.
McClellan declined to discuss the Rove situation until a Special Prosecutor completes investigation of charges that Rove disclosed the name of a C.I.A. operative. Reporters continued to badger McClellan to the point that they betrayed their fear and loathing of Rove.
It is important to note that a Special Prosecutor was assigned to look into the charge against Rove largely based on pressure from the mainstream media. Now the members of that same mainstream media refuse to await the completion of the investigation they so eagerly sought.
Having seen the recent assault on House Majority leader Tom DeLay fizzle out like a firecracker dud, the Democrat sharks and their media accomplices are circling around Rove, hoping he will be a victim whose blood in the water will lead them to their prime target, George W. Bush.
No explanation is needed here of the circumstances surrounding the attack on Rove. Suffice it to say that the C.I.A. operative in question had not been involved in secret assignments for almost a year before her name was mentioned to the press. Suffice it to say that the operative in question was widely known to be a C.I.A. employee and that months earlier her husband had engaged in an attempt to discredit the Bush administration over its claim that Saddam Hussein had sought to obtain nuclear material in Africa. Suffice it to say that although an attempt was made to say Saddam has never sought such material, British intelligence to this day stands by its position that Saddam did just that.
This is just the latest indication of the fear Democrats and left wingers have of rising conservative power and declining support for their largely socialist agenda.
Faced with rapidly approaching loss of a Supreme Court liberal activist majority and the realization that they will soon be totally and completely powerless at the level of federal government, Democrats led by the likes of Howard Dean will continue to betray their utter fear and panic. The mainstream media will continue to prop up this pathetic bunch of obstructionist left wingers, but to no avail.
As Zel Miller has put it, the Democrat Party we once knew is no more. It is a frantic bunch willing to attack and destroy anyone and anything in its attempt to regain voter support.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


The forked tongues of leftist politicians have been slipping in recent days.
Campaigning in Florida for Senator Nelson, Senator Barak Obama from Illinois confessed that Democrats may have strayed lately from their core values and principles. He expressed the idea that Democrats may need to study carefully so as to define what the party core values and principles are.
Sorry, Senator, but you just let down your guard. People who have core values and principles do not have to study and re-evaluate such things. By their very nature, core values and principles do not change based on what is politically advantageous at the moment. Obviously, Senator, Democrats are trying to come up with some sort of contrived and phoney set of principles hoping that they can then pass them off on voters as genuine.
Appearing on national TV, Senator Upchuck Schumer from New York indicated that any Supreme Court nominee sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee will face a trial. An examination of the Constitutional role of the Senate to advise and consent on judicial nominations fails to show any requirement that such nominees be put on trial before they obtain a Senate floor vote. What Schumer is inadvertently telling us all is that today's brand of leftist Democrats are so afraid of losing control of the Supreme Court that they will do anything and everything to block the appointment of justices who will not serve as liberal activists.
Sorry, Chucky, but any attempt to put Bush nominees on trial will be seen by the voters as just more leftist obstructionism and a continuation of that cry baby liberal tantrum that has been going on now since the hanging chad ballot count in Florida way back in 2000.
You lost then, Chuck, you lost again in 2004 and you are about to lose big time at the Supreme Court.

Monday, July 11, 2005


A few days ago Hurricane Dennis skirted the south coast of Cuba on its way to Sunday's landfall in the Florida Panhandle.
We were hoping for a bit of U.S. Marine ingenuity and creativity at Guantanamo Bay. We were hoping to hear that the entire terrorist jail had been engulfed by a tidal surge that carried the whole prisoner population into the Caribbean.
Since none of the politicians would have been at Gitmo during the time of a hurricane, the Marines could have assisted Dennis in making everyone happy.
First, those calling for Gitmo to be closed would be happy, since its being swept away would have ended that aspect.
Secondly, the Marines would have been happy to finally get the better meals that the terrorists have been eating.
Thirdly, Amnesty International and the ACLU would have been happy that Gitmo torture had finally ended.
Fourth, most Americans would have been happy to hear that several hundred potential killers had been eliminated.
And, last but not least, the terrorist prisoners themselves would now be happy that they had gone to their deaths and met all those Virgins in Paradise.
But, sadly, it was not to be. Apparently the Marines did their usual thing and provided heavy weather protection for the inmates. We can only hope, since the hurricane season is young, that more opportunities will swirl toward Gitmo in coming weeks.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


For those old enough to remember, London's subway system, known as the Underground, served as a safe haven and refuge for thousands of Londoners during the World War II blitz.
During the Battle of Britain, German planes bombed London for weeks on end. The Underground tubes offered protection to people from the hell raining down from Nazi planes. The ordeal of riding out a Nazi attack in the tubes is well documented in books, movies and drama, not to mention the countless archived photographs of frightened civilians hoping for the all clear sirens.
But that was then and this is now.
In contrast with World War II, today the London Underground was a place of death and horror. Within the tubes that once sheltered people, today's terrorists set off their bombs. It was a bizarre reversal of times gone by.
There is no need to review the level of depravity and hate that fueled Nazi Germany and resulted in bombings from the sky.
There is an intense need, however, for everyone to recognize the new level of depravity, cruelty and hate that motivates today's band of savages. Until there is a unified recognition of who and what the enemy are, that enemy will continue to inflict death and destruction wherever it wills. So long as the enemy senses that civilized people are not united in the war on terror, the enemy will be planning on how to put the next targets in its sights.


Rush Limbaugh has cashed in on Senator Dick Durbin and numerous other leftists who paint the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay as a place of torture, mistreatment and bad food.
Quite the contrary, says Rush. He opines that Gitmo prisoners have it better than they ever did in their home countries. So much so that Rush has dubbed the place Club Gitmo, in a takoff on Club Med resorts.
What better way to advertise Club Gitmo than with a variety of apparel including T-Shirts and hats, as well as coffee mugs.
The items sport such touristy slogans as "I got my free Koran and Prayer Rug at Club Gitmo", "Your tropical retreat from the stress of Jihad", and a Las Vegas ad takoff "What happens in Gitmo stays in Gitmo".
Also offered is a mug bearing the slogan "Jihad Java Cafe at Club Gitmo".
All of the items are done with a brilliant orange background identical to the color of the jump suits worn by terrorist prisoners in Cuba.
According to Rush, all items are flying off the shelves, even at a price of twenty bucks for most. The going price is probably cheap when one estimates the eBay auction value of these things in years to come.
And for those who have already bought the Club Gitmo items, you can submit a photo of anyone wearing them in locations sure to irritate liberals. The best photos are being posted on the Limbaugh web site.
Brilliant marketing, Rush. We are hoping and praying that George W. Bush wears one of the shirts or hats at a forthcoming press conference. A picture of that would be sure to take first prize.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


The liberals and associated socialists, Communists and the rest of the anti-American crowd are in a tither.
Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring from the Supreme Court and with that announcement the left wing knows that George Bush is about to start his third term.
As if the re-election of Bush in 2004 wasn't enough to drive the left crazy, Bush is about to appoint at least two Supreme Court justices and has an excellent chance fo appoint a third. The resignation of Chief Justice Rehnquist is a given due to his age and ill health. If a sitting justice is nominated to be the Chief, Bush gets a third slot to fill.
The thought of Bush establishing a 6 to 3 or even a 7 to 2 constitutional majority on the Court is equal in the sick minds of the extreme left wing to a third term for Bush.
The only thing that can upset this third Bush term is Bush himself. Will he cave into the usual bunch of undecided and wishy washy, publicity hound Republicans, or will he do what the nation desperately needs? The question is unanswered as of the moment, but when Bush announces his nominee for Justice O'Connor, we will have a fairly good idea as to what road the President will take in the rest of his second and the start of his third term.

Sunday, July 03, 2005


When White House strategist Karl Rove defined the difference between liberals and conservatives he used but a few words.
"Conservatives saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and prepared for war," said Rove. "Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding to our attackers".
This past week, liberals also needed just a few words to give us their view of America's Founding Fathers. The liberals involved were NBC's Brian Williams and Andrea Mitchell. They were discussing the newly elected Iranian President and his role in the 1979 American Embassy hostage situation.
"Andrea, what would it all matter if proven true as someone brought up today the first several U.S. Presidents were certainly revolutionaries and might have been called terrorists at the time by the British Crown after all".
"Indeed, Brian," Andrea Mitchell unhesitatingly replied.
This observation by Williams made us think. Suddenly we recalled the horse cart bombings carried out by Madison and Monroe. There were the roadside Stage Coach bombs and how could we have forgotten the many early Americans who blew themselves up as suicide bombers at British checkpoints on orders from General Washington. And, of course, careless of us to ever forget the live beheadings of Tories done by John Adams and Tom Jefferson.
The incessant attempts of liberals to create a moral equivalency between America and America's enemies is disgusting. We wonder how this crowd can believe they do not offend most Americans with their rhetoric.
Especially on the eve of Independence Day, it is all the more offensive.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Did you notice how the liberal crowd went silent when the U.S. Supreme Court recently decided to assault private property rights?
On virtually every liberal talk show, you could hear a pin drop. When the Court decision was brought up by callers, liberal talk hosts quickly changed the subject.
Now in general the liberal crowd adores the Supreme Court. They look to it as their only instrument of power. They count on the liberal justices to legislate from the bench and advance the left wing agenda. Usually the liberals are pleased with what the justices do. But this time around, the results were not too pleasing to the left.
As a matter of record, let's state that those voting to protect private property rights in the recent decision were Rehnquist, Thomas, Scalia and O'Connor. Those voting to take away private property rights were Breyer, Souter, Stevens, Kennedy and Ginsburg.
Or to put it not so gently, the five liberal justices were eager to assert the power of government over private property ownership. And the four Conservative justices stood firm in defense of property rights.
The decision in question all the more helps to emphasize just how imperative it is for President Bush to nominate true Conservatives as quickly as possible. Failure to end a Supreme Court liberal majority will mean the loss of much more than mere property rights.

Friday, July 01, 2005


The announcement of Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement sent liberals and moderates into initial wagon circling mode almost immediately.
Laura Ingraham's Senior Balloon from Massachusetts wasted no time in taking to the Senate floor to briefly say nice words about Justice O'Connor and then hit his main points. Wind Bag Ted Kennedy wasted no time in lecturing President Bush on who he and the rest of the left wing in the Senate want nominated to replace O'Connor. It was another one of those "they just don't get it" moments with Democrats again acting as if they are the majority.
Equally revealing of the hasty wagon circling was the press conference called by Senator Warner from Virginia. His interest lies in keeping the infamous Gang of Seven alive along with its pathetic partisan treason. Warner hinted to the reporters that he hopes President Bush will work with the Senate. In other words, Warner wants Bush to nominate a justice that Ted Kennedy likes.
Thankfully, Justice O'Connor broke news of her retirement on the day before the Senate adjourned for a long July 4th recess. Had the news come with the Senate in regular business mode, we might have had to endure an endless stream of bloviating Democrats and an equally obnoxious crew of RINO Republicans engaging in verbal wagon circling.
One thing sure to happen as a result of this Supreme Court vacancy is the separation of the men from the boys. We trust President Bush will be one of the men and nominate a real Conservative to replace O'Connor. And we will be watching carefully to identify the senators in favor of the Constitution versus those in favor of a left wing judicial dictatorship.