With the announcement that U.S. military deaths in Iraq have reached 2000, the left wing will call the caterers and set their party tables for another anti-American celebration.
The left sees the 2000th dead American as another reason to advance their agenda. To the left, American casualties are nothing more than tools used to advance the liberal dream of a return to power in Washington.
To the rest of us, the announcement of another dead soldier is, as it has been for each and every one, a reason to mourn our losses and to offer prayers as we honor the sacrifice of the brave men and women who defend America.
In their arrogance, the left wing believe that whenever they are not in control of government, something is wrong with our nation. In their arrogance they cannot accept the will of the voters who consistently repudiate their socialist agendas.
So pay close attention to each and every spokesman, including most of the media, to almost revel in the next few days in the fact that the death toll has reached 2000.
But in their best anti-American mode, the left will at once begin to dream of more partying when 3000 brave members of the military have been killed by our terrorist enemies.