It is disconcerting to see and hear the apparent march to insanity being exhibited in so many forms of late.
We have always strongly support President Bush, and he still is better than any liberal Democrat. But his stand on illegal aliens coming across the U.S. borders is borderline madness.
Mr. President, you are charged by the Constitution to enforce the laws enacted by Congress. While the legislative members posture back and forth on the immigration issue, you, Mr. President have refused to order that EXISTING laws regarding immigration be enforced. This is adding to the madness that has grown in size ever since Bubba Clinton got away unpunished for commiting felony obstruction of justice and felony perjury. You are failing us in new and frightening ways, Mr. Bush.
Meanwhile an unparalleled assault on Christianity in America reaches new levels of insanity. Sinister forces on the left arrogently blaspheme Christ the Lord. The latest Hollywood version of this assault finds its way into the movie houses of the nation under the title of DaVinci Code. This is nothing more than the latest move to demonize Christians and destroy their most sacred icons. This all the while that false prophets are protected and lauded.
In New Orleans, voting madness returns to mayoral power a man who demonstrably failed to save hundreds from death during the days following Hurricane Katrina.
On the battle fronts our troops are again ruthlessly and falsely accused of torturing and murdering those whom they are sent to fight. On the home front, Providence news columnists write lies about how our soldiers and marines are not getting enough food to eat and how they have to beg for meals from Iraqis. It was unclear if this begging takes place before or after our troops mistreat and kill the Iraqis. This is jornalistic madness reaching heights that frighten all sane Americans.
And, as we write, the head of state of a foreign nation, Vicente Fox from Mexico, is actually making a political tour in portions of the nation his unlawful citizens now claim belong to Mexico. This villain from south of the former border will actually be allowed to address the legislature of the nation's largest state; and he will be welcomed by a governor who tricked us into believing he was a conservative and a loyal American. You disgust us, Governor Schwarzenegger. You have apparently become the Terminator of American law and the Mexican version of Conan the Barbarian.
Amidst all this madness there are a few sturdy voices being heard in the halls of Congress and selected talk shows. Will these few sane voices save America from terrible times ahead or will they be drowned out and silenced by the sinister forces of the Communist left? Time will tell.
One thing should be made clear here. If there is an eventual attack by Muslim terrorists, and if the attack kills thousands of Americans, and if it is shown that the attackers entered America via the virtually open borders, then we will call for all those who have failed to stop such an attack to be swiftly punished. The blood of future terrorist attack victims will stain the hand of all those who today refuse to stand up for law and order as it applies to immigration.