Over recent years the Boy Scouts of America have become the target of several liberal assaults, with several gaining national media attention.
The Boy Scouts had used a public park in southern California for their activities over a lengthy period of time. But, liberal homosexual activists went to court and found a way to boot the Scouts out of the park on the grounds that Scout guidelines supported religion and supported a ban on homosexual scout leaders.
In other liberal instituted court actions, attempts were made to force the Boy Scouts to admit homosexuals at all levels, and to destroy long standing official Congressional support for scouting on the grounds that atheist scouts were the targets of discrimination.
In short, liberalism has had the Boy Scouts of America in its cross hairs for some time. After all, we need to get rid of a bunch of kids advocating sound moral principles and being dutiful toward the Almighty. Apparently a Hitler Youth type organization would make more sense to our fellow American National Socialist activists.
With all of this said, the tragedy in Virginia this week becomes all the more a burden of unbearable proportions.
Within seconds, four Alaska scout adult leaders died when they made contact with power lines while attempting to raise a tent support. It was all the more horrible that the adult victims died while their scout sons watched what was happening.
Instead of a fun filled scout jamboree experience, the Alaska scouts made a quick return home with the remains of their dads.
Talk Radio Review would do anything if this terrible tragedy could be reversed. But we all know that nothing can be done in the face of such happenings.
All that we can do is to ask the Lord to look kindly on the Boy Scouts of America in coming days and years. And we pray the Lord will send sufficient strength to all the Virginia jamboree scouts and their adult leaders as they finish the week while bearing a burden heavy beyond words.