Monday, May 30, 2005


Michael's Savage's Memorial Day replacement brought national attention to an article by a University of Oregon student in the campus daily, The Emerald.
Student columnist Jennifer McBride wrote a piece entitled "10 Reasons Not to Kill Bush".
We agree with the Savage show's conclusion that such a piece would probably never have gotten past editors even 5 or 10 years ago. However, a closer examination of the McBride article shows some rays of hope in the apparent total liberal control of university activities across America.
A disturbing aspect of the article in question is its almost cavalier dismissal of why Bush should not be gunned down based solely on the fact that it would make liberals and Democrats look really bad.
There is a kind of cold hearted and almost ruthless tone employed by McBride in her reasons for declaring presidential killing a no no. She seems to have completely ignored the main reasons we do not kill our Republican or Conservative presidents, namely that it is murder, it is an attack upon the Constitutional government of our nation and, surely not the least, it is treason if carried out by an American, and it is terrorism if carried out by a foreign agent.
The article tends to reinforce our position that campus liberalism has succeeded in morfing any number of left wing clones who will leave the campus after graduation and go on to become anti-American radicals.
In short, student McBride was correct in nixing the idea of presidential assassination. It's just that we think she could have objected to it with much more emphasis on the reasons cited above, rather than just object on the grounds it might make it harder for a left winger to be elected president in 2008.
The best rays of hope in this matter, however, come from most of the comments posted in response to the article by visitors to The Emerald's web page. A majority acceded to the idea that it's really not too nice to shoot our presidents and many of the respondents gave much more responsible reasons than did McBride.
We also question whether or not the Oregon U. newspaper would print an article entitled "10 Reasons Not to Kill Hillary Clinton."


As we write this there are still a few hours to go before President George W. Bush lays the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery. This is a time-honored annual ceremony on Memorial Day. It requires no explanation as to its purpose. It is an annual event, well attended at the Arlington Ampitheater that stands adjacent to the well-worn path trod by the elite guards from Fort Myers.
The speeches, the music and the wreath laying are a way for the nation to pay tribute to all men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of America and the freedoms Americans enjoy.
One of the most valued of freedoms is the freedom of speech.
On the past weekend we came across a replay of Air America's Mike Malloy. Beyond calling President Bush a moron and a nitwit, and beyond calling the Bush family the Bush Crime Family, and beyond cursing and swearing at just about everything we are about in the War on Terror, Malloy went a step further. He called our troops at Guantanamo Bay torturers. He called our military a bunch of murdering bastards. These were his words and we call him to account for them here.
On this Memorial Day we ask each reader, do you agree with Malloy?
If you do agree, you should consider that in a number of countries on earth today you would be put in prison or perhaps even executed for speaking as does Mike Malloy.
You should also consider that those we honor in a special way on this day gave their lives so you can voice your hatred of our country and our present day defenders of freedom. The troops you so despise stand so far above you that no amount of your hateful speech and anti-American rhetoric will be heard above the music, words and prayers today at Arlington. And no amount of your hateful rhetoric will diminish the respect we owe to America's defenders, living and dead.

Friday, May 27, 2005


All the national talk shows touched on the current mystery as to why Senate Republicans who are in the majority insist on making themselves a minority, even though their constituants sent them to Washington to be a majority.
Why are the Senate Republicans nsistant upon shooting themselves in the political foot at this crucial time for presidential appointments?
For starters, Leader Bill Frist needs to take off the bipartisan party dress and snap the whip. If he cannot do that, it’s time for him to turn over the majority leader role to another.
Secondly, George W. Bush needs to drop the compassionate conservative mantra and the naive belief that bipartisanship with left wing Democrats has any meaning. It’s time for the President, as leader of his party, as well as the nation, to forcefully put his foot down and deliver a few salvoes across Harry Reid’s bow, as is so desperately hoped for by his conservative voter base.
The stakes are too high here to continue this nicey-nicey tone. Left wing senators neither care nor want to be nice under present circumstances. They have shown that by a renewed return to filibustering over the John Bolton nomination.
There is no hope to deliver the Federal Courts from the hands of left wing lunatics using the present tactics employed both at the White House and on the floor of the Senate.
It’s time for Republicans to act responsible as the majority they won in November 2004. We are getting very tired of kissing up ro Byrd, Kennedy, Schumer, and a handful of spineless Republicans.
It is time to play for real.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Our compliments to the Gang of 14 Senators that devised that great agreement just 48 hours ago.
As you recall, the agreement in question was to end judicial nominee filibustering. Or to be more precise, folks, future filibusters would be invoked by the Democrats only in extrordinary situations.
Granted, John Bolton is not a judicial nominee. He only wants to work for President Bush up at the U.N. in New York.
Still, when it came time for a vote to confirm Bolton today (5/26), guess what?
The Dems apparently found it to be an extraordinary circumstance and they embarked on……yes, you are right…..a filibuster!
This demonstrates in an extraordinary way how durable agreements are with left wingers.
Even the moon waits 28 days to be full again. But when it comes to filibusters, 48 hours is all it takes for Harry Reid & Company to fill up.
Stand by, folks.
Will Bolton ever get a vote? Will cloture be invoked next week? Will Bill Frist take off his prom gown and turn into a majority leader? Will President Bush stop smiling and extolling the virtues of compromise and bi-partisanship long enough to finally kick ass the way a Conservative Republican should?
Will Robert Byrd have enough shakes in him to deliver another round of filibustering Byrdisms? Will Ted Kennedy leave the bars long enough to join the fray? Will Lincoln Chaffee become a true moderate and abstain when a Bolton vote is taken?
Tune in next week, folks, for the answers to these and other earth shaking questions.
God! If only Bolton were in charge of the Senate so he could yell and scream and fire the whole bunch

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Patricia Owen had hardly been approved for the Federal Appeals Court when the strange anti-Conservative vibes increased in strength on the Senate floor and across Red State America.
With the Owen vote a done deal, alleged Republican Senator Voinovich of Ohio joined in the left wing assault on John Bolton to be U.N. ambassador.
Having just seen a bunch of so-called Republicans stab the party and a Republican President in the back over the Senate filibuster matter, we now see other Republicans ready to again oppose President Bush by joining the Democrats in an attempt to block Bolton.
And, even as we speak, the ominous vibes grew louder this evening (5/25) when we saw none other than Sean Hannerty doing a glowing interview with none other than party traitor John McCain. It is bad enough that McCain is profiting from his book and now a movie based on his book, and that he has launched his 2008 presidential campaign by leading the Republican traitors in the filibuster saving deal. But to see a guy like Hannerty giving precious TV time to allow McCain to shine is yet another matter. These vibes are almost too much to understand.
In a world where terrorism threatens and the Air America left wing loonies are virtually encouraging one of their nut bag listeners to gun down George Bush, the actual assassination of the President may come about as a result of all those stab wounds in his back inflicted upon him by members of his own party.


If you love higher taxes, late term abortion, homosexual marriage, affirmative action, flag burning, euthanasia, undocumented voters, and 10 million Mexicans up to your eyeballs, then Monday (5/23) evenings gathering of John McCain’s political traitors with the likes of Robert K.K.K. Byrd has put you into a state of euphoria today.

And if you hate judicial activitism and happen to think God has a place in the nations’s affairs, as well as a firm love of country, the U.S. Military and traditional family values, then today was a day of dispair.

The apparent capitulation of the Republican Senate majority may be one of the most important events to the nation’s welfare in decades.

Senate Majority Leader Frist has a few hours to decide if the minority rules, or if majority rule shall be established in a firm manner in the halls of Congress. If Frist accedes to the unbelievable political treason wrought upon Republicans by the likes of Senators Snow, Collins, Chaffee and Graham, a new era of unchecked liberal court ruling will rain down on the nation for years to come.

The outcry is reported to be furious. We were unable to phone Frist’s office for several hours today. The line was busy. On the other hand, Senator Lincoln Chaffee’s phone went unanswered all afternoon. Senator Collins’ staffer answered our call, but cut our conversation short once we expressed our outrage at his boss’s Monday night attack on President Bush.

And speaking of the President, he also has failed in this matter. He needs to forcefully advocate for his judicial nominees in no uncertain terms. He surely did not do that today in voicing approval of the McCain attack.

We hope that both Leader Frist and the President will restore majority rule quickly. The voters of America did not elect Republicans in order for them to act like Democrats.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Useful Link

Technorati Profile


In a grand attempt to steal the Fair and Balanced slogan from Fox News Channel, the Arab Cable Channel Al Jazeera has told its viewers that it will not show any of those horrid pictures of Saddam Hussein in his underware.
Al Jazeera somehow always gets tapes of Osama Bin Ladin the moment they are released and has made it a point to show live beheadings in Iraq. These beheading scenes are complete with the victim screaming horribly as a huge knife is thrust across the victim's neck until the head is sawed off. For the sane, these Al Jazeera TV specials are too awful to even watch. For the insane, they are a positive delight. It all depends on how much of Hannibal Lecter dwells in your heart.
On the other hand, Al Jazeers feels showing Saddam nearly nude in his well-deserved prison cell is just too much for its sensitive viewers to watch.
At this point we do not have to complete this article.
If you are sane, you have already gotten the message and have completed this story in your own mind. You have also made sure your rifle is in good order and you have plenty of ammunition on hand.
If you are insane, a Bush hater or just a plain run-of-the-mill left wing whack job, you are already starting to irrationalize that Fox News Channel has finally met its match when it comes to being Fair and Balanced.

Friday, May 20, 2005


Based upon the initial reaction from the left wing over the publication of Saddam Hussein in his underware, it appears the libs find Saddam positively sexy!
We say this because they are already praising him in every left wing way possible. The photos, say the libs, are an "intrusion" on the man's privacy. This is obviously another cheap Bush trick in an attempt to make Saddam look bad, when we all know he was just such a wonderful guy, and now we know, a sexy one besides.
Will Bush and the U.S. military stop at nothing? Who do they think this Saddam is, anyhow, the enemy?
Once again Al Jazeera and other Muslim and Arab media are venting their outrage over showing Saddam almost au naturale. And, they are being eagerly joined in their outrage by our old reliable left wing, Socialist and Democrat friends. Once again, Al Jazeera agrees totally with the liberals in the good ole U.S.A.
This will be played by the seditionist national media as another attack on the U.S. military, on those troops they keep insisting they support. With support like that, who needs briefs? Oops! Sorry, didn't mean to offend all you Saddam lovers.
Watch carefully over the weekend as the media frenzy begins. American military will be portrayed as being without sensitivity and of endorsing cruel and unusual punishment on a man who did nothing more than murder hundreds of thousands of his own people, and who, in our opinion, was one of the chief architects of the September 11, 2001 attacks. I know, I know. All you libs will scream that there was never any involvement in 9/11 by Saddam. That's right. Al Quaida was in Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Africa. Why they were even in Maine and Virginia that dreadful morning. But, they were NEVER in Iraq. What a delusional conclusion. Saddam not only was in on 9/11 he doubtless contributed millions from his own ill-gotten fortune to carry it out.
Michael Savage's Enemy Within will never forgive us for this outrage against poor old Saddam. Now that our enemies are shown in their shorts, what is next? We don't know but apparently a lot of the libs are secretly hoping that photos of Saddam baring it all will soon be forthcoming. And hopefully if Saddam is shown nude, the world will also see that some good old Marine has cut off his balls.

LS Blogs


Gee! Look over there, folks! It's John Kerry!
Yes, in a scene that is quite rare, Senator John Kerry was actually seen on the Senate floor Thursday (5/19).
Now can you imagine what he was doing there, boys and girls?
Was he introducing legislation?
Was he proposing new and exciting Democrat proposals on fighting the War on Terror?
Was he talking up the need for an energy policy?
Was he finally telling us how he plans to save Social Security or Medicare?
Uh uh.
Then what, pray tell, was he doing in that rare Senate appearance?
As if you didn't know.
Kerry was there to join the rest of the Gang of 45 in an attempt to stall moving forward on the judicial nomination of Particia Owen.
He was there to tell those big, fat fibs that his liberal mates have been telling since mid week. Trying to con us into believing that George Bush really has no right to appoint judges unless they are Communists, the way Democrats like them.
In his boring drawling speech Kerry put the Senate galleries to sleep with his Bush bashing rhetoric.
Why we were almost expecting him to say that he had reconsidered and decided to withdraw his concession speech in the 2004 election.
Actually, what he was trying to do is launch his 2008 campaign. We knew that was true when we looked over and saw that Hillary Clinton's seat was vacant.

LS Blogs

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Useful Link


Say what you want to say about monarchy being obsolete and culture being a leftover from bygone days, you have to hand it to the British.
On Tuesday (5/17) Queen Elizabeth II and her consort hubby, rode in a gilded horse drawn carriage from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament. There, in the House of Lords, the Queen delivered a speech written for her by the government headed by Tony Blair.
It was the usual ceremony and pomp that accompanies the opening of Parliament. Replete and dripping with history, the ceremony includes having the door of the House of Commons slammed shut in the face of the Queen's Black Mace master. The symbolism is that Commons has put monarchy in its proper place.
There are some out there who would give cultural equivolency to what happened in London Tuesday with bands of savages running around blowing themselves up or cutting people's heads off. In the old days, the queen would have had such nut bags sent to the Tower to await their own beheading.
Alas, it is 2005 and monarchy no longer wields its former power of life and death. In other words, there is no power able to rid us of liberals and Communists nowadays in the quick and flashy way that only a good king or queen once would have.
We have to put up with unwashed, smelly and loud protesters complete with their WE HATE EVERYBODY signs and their costumes or lack thereof.
It is such a refreshing sight to see all that British culture and history yet alive across the Pond.
Her Majesty never looked more regal, from her crown to her glittering white shoes. The Peers in their red robes and the members of Commons dutifully trying to crowd in to see the queen were part of a cultural display seldom seen in present times. Yes there were the colorful pages and ladies in waiting too. There were trumpet fanfares and a host of colorful Royal guards. It was British and Western culture and history on display.
And if you are among those who think culture and history and tradition are unimportant, we can only say: Off with your heads."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


From the very start just after 9:30 Wednesday (5/18) morning, you could tell it was the start of battle.
Republican leader Frist was surprisingly passionate, emphatic and downright Republican as he began to joust with Desperate Harry Reid fron Lantern, Nevada.
Reid, backed up by the Chappaquiddick Swim Champ, attempted from the get-go to try procedural moves designed to con Frist into allowing nominee Patricia Owens to be replaced with a name more accepatable to the Clintonistas.
We are happy to report that it didn't work and, for once, Republicans stuck to their guns. No, said Frist, it would be Owens who would be placed at the top of the order. Decide now, Dems, are you going to conduct an all out assault on Judge Owens with the usual character assassination tactics used throughout the 150 yearr history of socialism, or will you go quietly and finally submit to a floor vote, up or down, on sending the Texas judge to the U.S. Circuit Court.
Actually the Gang of 45 in the Senate have little choice but to fight, and to fight savagely and with tactics unseen and unheard in all of American history. Because, from the ten Bush nominees now about to come up for Federal judicial seats, it is likely that two and perhaps more will eventually be nominated to become future Supreme Court Justices. If these nominees are not made dead in the water now, there will be little the Clintonistas can do when the same judges are picked for the highest Court in the land.
So, this is the opening of the Senate battle, and the libs know it is a battle they must win. Failure to kill these nominees now means that the Federal Courts and the Supreme Court itself will soon be places where the Constitution is interpreted, rather than where judicial tyrants continue to force anti-Americanism down the throats of the voters who demonstrated last November what course they want the judicial branch of government to follow.
To those who can listen and follow the Senate in coming days, the rewards will be great. If one can force oneself to listen to hours and hours of procedural wrangling and Clintonista lies, we may be fortunate enough to see a fist fight on the Senate floor. Or perhaps we may see one of the lib Senators blow his brains out in sheer frustration over what is about to happen. For what is about to happen is the final blow against liberal madness and judicial tyranny. In the end the left wing senators will be confronted by the thing they hate and fear the most, a vote in which the majority rules and they lose.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Based on the content of Monday night's (5/16) and today's mainstream left wing media interviews, it is becoming evident that the spin machines are humming in an attempt to make you believe that Newsweek really did not do anything wrong with its now-retracted Koran Down the Toilet story.
A number of interviewers asked their guests if it were possible that the Newsweek story might, after all, be TRUE. That it was the White House, Scott McClellan and, of course, George W. Bush, that were putting pressure on Newsweek, and, by implication, that the Newsweek story probably was accurate. The evil Bush, in other words, is putting the pressure on the media and using Newsweek as its target-example in order to surpress anything that makes the Administration and the Pentagon look bad.
If this line of twisted questioning had been confined to one or two interview segments on TV, one might dismiss it as unimportant. However, the contrived questions appeared in far too many places in the last 24 hours to be coincidence.
What in fact is going on is a contrived left wing media spin designed to get Newsweek off the hook for its story that caused at least 14 deaths in Muslim mob demonstrations provoked by the phoney Koran-Toilet spread.
Joining in the effort to relieve Newsweek of responsibility was the ever-reliable voice of West Coast socialism, the Los Angeles Times. It offered more of the same, with an attempt to shift the blame for Muslim outrage on to the White House.
If President Bush does indeed have the power to tell Newsweek what to print and what to squelch when it comes to the magazine's articles, does this not mean that the President is secretly moonlighting as a Managing Editor for the once-reputable publication?
And, if Bush is holding a second job while serving as President, is he reporting his Newsweek income to the I.R.S.?
Why there is no limit as to where this Newsweek thing may take us!

Monday, May 16, 2005


No, folks, that methane gas stench you smell is not coming from your septic tank. It's coming from the editorial offices and the board rooms at Newsweek mag.
We have recently told all that the Trash the Military campaign was underway and would get more intense.
Having failed to arouse enough emotion and hatred for the Bush-Republican-Conservative-Christian majority via its incessant Abu Ghraib barrage, it was decided at Newsweek to really drum up waves of hatred with a story sure to infuriate all those nice Muslims who haven't yet had a chance to blow up a few U.S. Marines.
What better way than to quote that ever available "Unofficial Source" and build a story around U.S. guards at Guantanamo flushing Korans down toilets. Yeah! That would be sure to fire up the Bush Haters around the world and pave the way for Republican defeat in 2006 and 2008.
Well, guess what? The story worked. Flashed across the world by Newsweek, Muslims went on a rampage in various locations. So intense was their partying that about fifteen people were somehow killed during mob demonstrations.
Hey, what the heck! What's a few Pakistani lives lost if it paves the way for President Hillary or a Democrat House majority in 2006. After all, the main objective must always be kept in mind. Get rid of Bush, all Conservatives, most of the Republicans (not Chaffee, Specter et al) and those damn bothersome right wing Christians. Long as that goal is furthered, it's worth it.
Was Jason Blair, or Dan Rather's fake documents on Bush sufficient to the day? No. Newsweek showed us that there is much more to come.
The liberal media, whether print, television or otherwise continues to self-destruct, riddled as it is by folks coming out of colleges with profs who forever dwell in that Vietnam protest era when Jane Fonda reigned as queen and we all burned our draft cards using the same match that just lit our joint.
This could indeed be hard evidence that pot does alter the brain cells among both college professors of journalism and the pathetic excuse for reporters they train.
But whereas the smell of pot back then had an almost pleasant scent, the stink of Newsweek and its latest excuse for a story rises to high heaven.
Thanks to smelly Newsweek, mobs went wild, people got killed, and it goes without saying that American and coalition troops are now faced with renewed ferocity on the part of the terrorist enemy.
Before you throw your copy of Newsweek down the toilet, be careful it doesn't clog up the plumbing. Then again maybe it just might be worth a hefty plumber's bill just to see Newsweek go where all shit should.


National Police Week began on Sunday (5/15) with President Bush in attendance at National Peace Officers' Memorial Day Services on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol.
At the conclusion of opening ceremony, the President walked over to a section on the lawn reserved for family members of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2004.
No less than 153 families stood for over two hours awaiting their turn to speak with President Bush, perhaps have him autograph their programs, and even posing for a snap shot photo next to the leader of the nation.
We were unable to tear ourselves away from the C-Span televised coverage that lasted as long as most first run movies. But this was no movie. This was George W. Bush revealing himself to the world. To all 153 families the President spent several moments allowing one or more of the members to hug him, kiss him, and often cry on his shoulder.
In the eyes of family members, especially the younger ones, you could tell that this was for each one, a proud and momentous event. These are the events that become seared in the mind forever. Listening to a President's words of comfort and hearing him tell each family that their fallen member was a part of America's line of heroes.
For two hours we were able to see George W. Bush and his own brand of compassion.
For two hours we were able to see why liberals must denegrate this President. For George W. Bush is all the things Bill Clinton can never be.


Oh! The joy of it all!
The weekend hath concluded and the liberal mainstream press, syndicated columnists, TV news folks and other assorted members of Michael Savage's Enemy Within can barely contain themselves as each new sound and image of chaos comes forth from Iraq.
Virtually ignoring the fact that U.S. troops cut down at least 100 of the enemy near the Syrian border, the big news for the lib pundits is the assassination of another Iraqi government official, and of course, the joyful sounds of car bombs going off in shopping centers and, especially next to American military convoys.
Yes, it's another grand old time for liberals who can almost smell the fragrance of defeat of the troops they say they support. With any luck, Saddam Hussein will soon be acquitted of his crimes against humanity by that liberal icon, Ramsey Clark. With any luck the new Iraqi government will fall apart and Saddam will return to begin a new era of putting America, and, of course, Israel in their proper place. Why with the way things are shaping up, at least according to this weekend's liberal spin, our troops may have to turn tail and run away from Baghdad by the end of July. Hell, with any luck Kerry might even carry Ohio, and we might even finally get all the votes counted in Florida.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Those familiar with the Kingdom of Nye know that it refers to Art Bell's late night/early morning radio show.
Bell has achieved success over the years due to an audience caught up in the occult, psychic phenomena, spiritualism and the supernatural. While no judgement is made on the overall content of Bell's shows, one should keep in mind that the acronym for the Kingdom of Nye is, afterall, KON. Whether Bell is engaged in radio KON JOBS or not is left up to each person to decide.
The point to be made here connects with the past weekend in Nye Land.
A featured guest was Bruce Lipton, billed as a PhD expert in connections between living cells, especially human brain cells, and the power to heal, among other things.
A quick check on Lipton reveals a background that certainly is not to be belittled. Indeed, Lipton's past is impressive in many ways.
It was somewhat tedious listening to all the aspects touched upon by Lipton on this weekend's Bell interview, and we had almost reached the point of simply putting it down as just one more silly journey through the Kingdom of Nye, when, what to our wondering ears should we hear, a tiny fragment at the very end of the Bell/Lipton interview that perhaps inadvertently revealed that old familiar voice of left wing rhetoric coming forth from Professor Lipton's mouth.
It seems, so Lipton opined, that mankind is now at a stage of evolution where we are about to make the leap from a Reptilian mind to a Mammalian mind. Forgetting the details about what this process would entail came the most revealing part when Lipton defined the present Reptilian mind of man as one of corporate cold blooded heartlessness, whereas the soon-to-be Mammalian mind will consist of a caring and loving and warm and nurturing nature.
Well, suddenly we knew that Lipton is truly a professor and not unlike most of those in schools of higher learning, where us greedy free enterprise reptiles are looked down upon as the slippery right wing extremists we really are!
Yes, it was Professor Lipton proving once again that, even after talking for hours on end, a true liberal can't help but making the slip of the tongue the delivers a commercial for socialism.
So keep up hoping, all you conservatives out there. Your life as reptiles will soon end when you become mammals. But also keep in mind that mammals come in scary forms too. Remember that old Russian (Soviet) bear? Then there are the weasels, skunks and the detestable rats!
Professor Lipton says so.
But always remember that KON jobs just might be con jobs.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Well, we tried our best on Thursday (5/12) to watch one of West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd's laborious pontifications on the Senate floor.
Waving a copy of a small book that Byrd says contains the Constitution, we began to wonder if liberals and socialists across the land were nostalgicly dreaming of those good old days when the Red Guards went around waving Mao's Little Red Book in everbody's face.
Unfortunately, the Red Guards actually believed in Mao's Red Book, whereas The Byrd has given us proof that he has no actual belief in the U.S. Constitution. He did this when he embraced perjury on the part of a sitting President back in those Clinton days.
Yes, Byrdie, you might have thought you had a sparkling career as an upholder of the Constitution, law and order, and all those other all-American things, but your vote to let Clinton ride showed us your true colors.
So on Thursday we were not surprised as The Byrd fluttered his aged wings again and proved he is an astute student of Clinton. Repeatedly, he attempted to convince his fellow senators, as well as the rest of us out here in TV land, that the movement to get President Bush's judicial appointments brought to a Senate floor vote somehow represents an attempt by Republicans to destroy free speech in the Senate.
Listening to Byrd on Thursday, one almost wished that at least some speech could be terminated.
As Rush Limbaugh has repeatedly pointed out, these creatures just do not get it.
As Byrd went on and on and on and then reached for his Bible, we were were desperately hoping that an ACLU lawyer would rush out on the Senate floor with a Liberal Activist Judge and yank that Extremist Right Wing Christian book right out of Byrd's hands!
Alas! It was not to be.
So as Byrd took flight into something about Rachel, good Jews and a guy named Mordacai we exercised our own control of free speech and shut off the TV.


For the first time in 45 years, a convicted killer was executed in New England.
It was death by lethal injection for Michael Ross who murdered and raped four female victims in the 1980's. Ross additionally said he killed four others in Connecticut and New York State. We will not need additional trials for these additional violated young women.
Before Ross' execution at 2:25 this morning (5/13) the usual crowd of liberals and others lacking spines paraded outside the Osborne Prison in Somers with their candles and placards.
Here is the one tiny item in favor of killer Ross: Ross himself had instructed attorneys and others to put him to death as soon as possible. Against his wishes, lawyers appealed his execution order to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court agreed with Ross and refused to intervene in Ross' date with his Maker.
Thus, killer Ross had a better sense of justice than the pathetic crowd of protesters who gathered outside the prison walls that held him.
The liberal press is filled with usual outrage this morning. After all, the pundits are shouting, this might mean a breakdown of what they call "the psychological and political barriers against capital punishment."
Yes, Lord, let's hope so, for the sake of all the women and kids still unraped and unmurdered.
In one of the legal attempts to stop the Ross execution, the killer's father attempted to make the case that if Ross was put to death it would lead to many suicides among Connecticut's prison population.
We can only HOPE that this might be true. Just think of the possibilities. Killers brought to justice for rape and murder. Future killers thinking long and hard before following Ross' example. And the encouraging possibility that the prison population might dwindle, thus saving the good people who pay all the bills a lot of money.
Thank you, Connecticut.
And peace and final rest to the victims of Ross' raping and killing.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Helpful Link

Pius VI


Two sets of law control the actions of mankind.
There is the civil or man-made law that controls a person from outside.
Then there is the moral law or natural law that controls a person from within.
In the stabbing deaths of Krystal Tobias and Laura Hobbs both forms of restraint were lacking.
Jerry Hobbs had demonstrated earlier that he had contempt for the civil or man-made law.
But when he stabbed his daughter and her friend to death in a fit of apparent rage he established that he either is ignorant of the laws of moral behavior or that he makes up his own laws of moral behavior as he goes along.
Ask these questions about Jerry Hobbs:
Did he receive a firm knowledge of both civil and moral law from the hands of two loving and nuturing parents as a child?
Did he have a firm belief that the moral law flows not from man but from a higher Power?
Did he have a firm faith in some creed or religion?
Was he properly taught during his school years that America is a land where the civil law is supreme and that violation of the law in any form is, in a way, an act of civil disobedience and betrayal?
If any or all of these questions is NO, then why?
Beyond God, who created Jerry Hobbs?
Who fashioned a man who on the Sabbath and on Mothers' Day could slay two little girls, knifing their bodies not once or twice, but perhaps thirty times?
Only the madness of liberalism can now excuse Jerry Hobbs.
All others will demand that he be tried, found guilty and put to death as quickly as possible.
Only in this way will both the civil and the moral order obtain justice. It is for such justice that Krystal and Laura are crying out at this moment from their home in Heaven.

Monday, May 09, 2005


The content of national Talk Radio and several of the major cable TV discussion programs suggests that Republic voters may becoming vocal, passionate and energized as a result of so-called "moderation" on the part of certain Republican senators.
In the spotlight are Nebraska's Hagel and Ohio's Voinivitch. Both have shown unusual shiftiness and a streak of cowardice in their ability to vocalize potential opposition to President Bush's U.N. ambassadorial nominee, John Bolton.
The votes of these two are important as members of the Senate Committee expected to vote on Bolton as early as Thursday (5/12).
If Bolton cannot win endorsement of the Foreign Relations Committee because he can't get enough Republican votes, what does this say about Republicans who received a mandate last November?
What is wrong with Republican senators who apparently do not like being Reoublicans, but take positions more akin to Democrats. What is the motivation for Republicans who insist on walking on eggs to appear somewhere between the ideology of either party? These and similar questions are being asked by growing numbers of Republicans and Conservatives.
Failing answers as to why several Republican senators suddenly seem to fear their role as members of a majority, Republican voters may finally become a force to be reckoned with.
Only if conservative and Republican voters swamp their renegade senators with phone calls, letter, faxes and all other manner of protestations will these squishy moderates finally turn the corner and start doing the work they were elected to do by their constituants.
It will be interesting to see how intense the wave of protests becomes. While the Bolton committee vote is important, it is but a prelude to future even more important senate votes on judicial confirmations, and eventually on Supreme Court appointments.
Republicans already know that their ranks contain squeamish, spaghetti-spined senators like Snow, Collins, Chaffee and Specter. So far these sorry personalities do not have the ability to give the Senate over to the losing minority, though they often attempt to do so.
It is bad enough to have to go to lunch with the aforementioned quartet. What really hurts is when formerly reliable members of the majotiry start acting like the well-established Gang of Four.

LS Blogs

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Helpful Link


Well, here it was Mother's Day and a perfect time to phone my cousin in England.
She was a World War II war bride who married my American cousin. The marriage did not work out so she went back to England in 1951 and has been there ever since. Using the Internet, I was able to establish contact with her four years ago after having heard nothing from her in almost 50 years.
Anyway, I digress.
In speaking to my cousin today she reported that she is still waiting (and has been for 14 months) to have a hip operation. In spite of being in pain constantly, the British medical system considers the operation she needs to be non-essential, so she has to wait. She could elect to have the operation done using her own finances, but that would be beyond her income. As a 78 year old retired policewoman, she just can't afford the surgery, and she is too proud to ask for help from her only son, or from others in the family.
Need I say more on the government run medical system? We still hear how America should adopt similar socialized medical setups. This in spite of the fact that situation such as the one my cousin finds herself in are duplicated by the millions in countries around the world that have adopted so-called "free" medical care.
There is no such thing as FREE anything, except in places where slavery is practiced.
My cousin's ongoing state of pain with no relief yet in sight proves my point.

Saturday, May 07, 2005


At last report, Laura Ingraham has had what should be the final surgery for breast cancer.
Laura showed her usual spunk by doing most of her shows since initial surgery. She may return to the airwaves on Monday (May 9).
We continue to send our prayers for a quick and full recovery from what must be a most unpleasant experience.

Friday, May 06, 2005



Here we go again, folks.
Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain won third term control of government in Thursday's U.K. election.
Granted, Blair's Labor Party lost Parliamentary seats, reducing Blair's voting power when it comes to votes on legislation, but let's emphasize the unprecedented third term for Blair.
The win for Labor keeps the firm alliance in the War on Terror between Blair and President Bush intact. Nothing could be more important in today's dangerous world.
But, are the media happy?
Within hours the leftist newspapers across America began talking about the backlash over the war in Iraq. They were joined by national left leaning television and cable news networks this morning.
The spin is in, folks.
Blair WON, but according to the media he actually LOST because of his support of the war in Iraq.
It's easy to analyze.
If Blair has been defeated the leftist media could have proclaimed that it was due to the war in Iraq. But Blair WON, so the media still is trying to proclaim what it only WISHED had been true, that a huge Iraq War backlash was underway among British voters.
In actuality, voters in the U.K. apparently placed much more importance on domestic matters concerning the ecomomy and especially concern over a recent flood of Asian and Middle Eastern immigrants. Conservatives did well in constituancies where voters felt immigrants were overwhelming them and changing the culture and language.
So once again, the leftist media gets it wrong, but who ever expects them to get it right, especially when it comes to any bit of news that vindicates George W. Bush.
It will be interesting to see how national talk radio and TV analyzes the U.K. election results in the next few days.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


In case you haven't noticed it, the latest offensive by America's domestic enemies is againt the U.S. military.
The military have always been a favorite target of the left, but the current effort is all too obvious.
The liberal news broadcasts are featuring any story that tends to diminish the Armed Forces.
Some of the extremist politicians are attempting to portray the military as a gang of abusive, cruel and murderous agents acting on behalf of a Pentagon that is portrayed as secretive and deceptive.
The media is replete with articles about lack of exposure of photos showing dead U.S. servicemen and women being returned to Dover, Delaware, in their flag draped coffins.
Abu Graib is again being resurrected in all its aspects with the current legal procedings against an Army PFC serving as a focal point.
There are sudden cries about Guantanamo prisoners having been subjected to humiliation by their Marine guards.
This new effort to trash the military will doubtless continue for some time since the lefties are currently seeing their attacks on House Majority Leader DeLay fading fast.
These attacks on the honor and integrity of U.S. troops comes from the crowd that vehemently insists that it "supports our troops." With supporters like this, who needs adversaries?

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We have had it with the endless 24x7 coverage on Georgia's runaway bride and her hapless not-to-be groom.
The sentiment was echoed Tuesday (May 2) on the Laura Ingraham Show.
For what it is worth we offer our version of what is really going on with this story.
In recent months, a whole slew of characters (mostly evil ones) have gained worldwide attention by performing some ghastly deed or finding some new and perverted way of breaking the law, both civil and moral.
In years past, such evil doers would have been ignored by the media. Today, these villains find themselves in the media spotlight. All too often their media exposure leads to calls from publishers and producers offering book contracts or rights to a forthcoming TV special. It is enough to make anyone gag in disgust.
Our version is this: the Georgia bride and groom were BOTH in on a scheme to stage this whole episode in the hopes of reaping a reward both psychological and financial. They have already reached second base in that they have achieved the worldwide media spolighting.
It remains to be seen if they score a home run with future book sales and television appearances.
It is time to forget about these two. And, note that this comment was made without EVER mentioning either of these two love birds by name!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Michael Savage on Saddam Hussein 5/3

On Tuesday, May 3 Michael Savage enunciated a potential twist in the Iraq War. He also emphasized that what he was postulating was not new....he had predicted it in weeks past.
According to Dr. Savage, Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld may have met with Saddam during a recent trip by the Secretary to Iraq. Savage further indicates that Saddam may have been asked to play a role in surpressing the so-called Iraqi insurgency in return for safe passage our of Iraq allowing the former dictator and mass murderer to live the rest of his life in exile. At the extreme, Dr. Savage even said there was a possibility Saddam would actually be given some sort of figurehead position in the new Iraqi government.
The thought of such a scenario actually coming into existence is horrifying, to say the least. Not only would it be an admission that America's intervention has become a total failure, but it would give the appearance that Saddam had actually begun to distate his own terms to the U.S. And this is not to mention the fact that such a development would allow Iraq's former leader to get away with mass murder and escape the execution he so richly deserves.
Dr. Savage also points out that while every effort has been made to make American military personnel pay for their so-called mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, and to speed up the process of courts martial and sentencing of these members of the milirary, an endless foot dragging continues when it comes to bringing Saddam to trial and ultimate justice. In other words, the good guys pay dearly for their alledged mistreatment of the enemy, but Saddam, the very reason we went to Iraq in the first place, remains untouched in his prison cell, reading his books and watching his satellite TV.
It remains to be seen if Michael Savage has revealed what is to come. But if he is correct, America will be seen as a weak and inept nation subject to terrorist plots on a scale that might make September 11th look petty in comparison.