The President delivered his Wednesday night speech on the Iraq War and the War on Terroism in particular and within minutes, liberals were having a cow.
Liberals always have a cow whenever George Bush fails to say or do all the things they would say or do.
So when the President called for continued support for the military effort in Iraq, liberals recoiled because they are against the military errort in Iraq.
When the President emphasized the positive developments since the Iraq operation began, liberals were irritated because they detest any hint of positive Iraq results.
But it was especially when the President reminded us all that Iraq is just one part of the ongoing War on Terrorism that the real bovine delivery pains began for the lefties. The one thing they want us all to forget is the War on Terrorism. They want to forget 9/11 and the fact that it will take many years to overcome the major terrorist threat.
Even though President Bush has told us from the beginning that this would be a long struggle, liberals have always reverted to their masturbatory mind set of instant gratification. In their eyes the war should have ended months ago. They continue to pull their hair out because Osama Bin Laden has not been caught. They continue to gloat over every soldier killed or wounded in the combat zones. They want victory right here and now and when it doesn't happen they conceive the next cow for the next delivery.
Nothing President Bush would ever say or do would please the this crowd. Aided by the mainstream media these lefties continue to support the enemy with their every word and action. Al Jazeera is fully in praise of the American left and its lack of support for the war. You would think liberals would see this and change their ways. It will never happen. The American left is thoroughly extremist. It hates George Bush worse than it hates the terrorists.
So get ready, folks. It's time for the liberals to have their latest cow. And the delivery will be long and painful.